WOMEN IN POLITICS 2021: Turkey 129th out of 188 countries in women’s parliamentary representation

The convention pledges to eliminate domestic violence and promote gender equality
On March 20, Turkey announced it will withdraw from the Istanbul Convention over what it calls the treaty’s “normalization of homosexuality.”
The Istanbul Convention is a legally-binding human rights treaty of the Council of Europe pledging to prevent, prosecute and eliminate domestic violence and promote gender equality. It was open to signature in 2011 and has been signed by 45 states.
It is the first time in the history of #Turkey, the state takes an explicit positon against #homosexuality in a written document. As a gay man and still a citizen of Turkey, I am so upset. LGBT+ community might be targated more often now and hate crimes against us will increase. pic.twitter.com/I1sUy7yHuI
— Baris Cayli Messina (@ProfBCMessina) March 21, 2021
Uluslarası ilişkilerde propoganda bürosundan medet ummaya çalışırken, böylesi rezil olmak, bugüne dek hiçbir iktidara bu denli nasip olmamıştı. Türkiye'ye propogandaysa dert gökkuşaği renkleri dahi yasak, uluslararası alanda meşruiyet çabasıysa bu ne lahana turşusu? https://t.co/ux8TNQzhor
— Ceren Sozeri (@cerensozeri) March 21, 2021

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