#GeorgeFloydProtests “Activists Create Public Online Spreadsheet of Police Violence Videos

The videos from around the country during George Floyd protests illustrates the magnitude of police violence.
How K-pop fans became celebrated online vigilantes

When the Dallas police called for the public to send them videos of illegal activity during protests a week ago, they didn’t get the evidence of law-breaking demonstrators they expected. Instead, fans of Korean pop music downloaded the police department’s app en masse, rallied each other to flood it with short, fan-produced videos, and gave it low ratings to make it less visible in the app store. Several hours later, the police announced that the app was temporarily offline.

“This is probably the most impactful picture I have ever taken. – Richard Grant via Reddit. 


In the week after George Floyd’s murder, hundreds of thousands of people joined protests across the US and around the globe, demanding education, attention, and justice. But one of the key tools for organizing these protests is a surprising one: it’s not encrypted, doesn’t rely on signing in to a social network, and wasn’t even designed for this purpose. It’s Google Docs.

This mural in Manchester,UK. Painted before Trumps UK visit seems very relevant today


U.S. police are rarely convicted of murder– here’s why and how that may change in 2020  MSNBC
There were lots of reports of slashed tires during the George Floyd protests last weekend.

Protesters in Washington D.C. today have a nickname for Donald Trump.
by u/Pow67 in pics


80-year-old woman is the sole protestor at event event in the town of Palm Beach
by u/knownothingwiseguy in pics


Utah Marine stands alone at Utah Capitol with ‘I can’t breathe’ covering his mouth
by u/Stock412 in pics


Samantha Francine moved her glasses to stare him in the eyes.
by in pics


Protester holding facts in Los Angeles
by in pics


Protester’s shirt might just work against the police.
by u/Two_Inches_Of_Fun in pics


An Auschwitz survivor drove by to show support for BLM. “You should see what they did to my brother”
by u/IDontBeleiveImOnFIre in pics


DC Mayor Muriel Bowser has feuded with President Trump about militarised responses to protests over police brutality.

Who’s going to write the "shoving old men and cracking their skulls open is good, actually" opinion piece for the NYT
by u/faab64 in antiwar

LAPD shoots “less than lethal” rounds directly at an unarmed homeless man who was not protesting.
by u/Exastiken in pics

LAPD shoots homeless man in the face with less-than-lethal bullet
by u/vintagecomputernerd in pics

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