Turkish police detain Kurdish politicians in early morning raids
Turkish police have detained a number of Kurdish politicians in early morning raids as part of an ongoing investigation carried out in the southeastern province of Diyarbakır on May 22.
Duvar English’s editor-in-chief Cansu Çamlıbel and pollster Can Selçuki discuss the latest debates in Ankara that have triggered a new wave of polarization in Turkish politics. They try to find answers why President Erdoğan has shifted from his calculated tone during the first weeks of the pandemic and opted for raising tensions by deliberately attacking and demonizing the opposition.
Media critical of Turkish gov’t pays $1.5 million in fines since 2019 | Ahval
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Birileri çıkar için, maden için her türlü haksız girişimi meşrulaştırmaya çalışırken, Bursa Kirazlıyayla kadınları göğsünü gere gere bu topraklar bizim, #BursayıTerkEt diyor. Seslerine ses olalım… #KirazlıyaylayıSavun pic.twitter.com/OIGLvkVqP2— Gülizar Biçer Karaca (@GulizarBicer) May 18, 2020
Greg Manifold is The Post’s creative director. Fevzi Yazici missed the opening night of his first professional art exhibit. While other artists were proudly standing beside their work and posing for photographs at a gallery at St. John’s University

At the latest hearing of a trial regarding the 2015 Suruç massacre on May 20 – in which ISIS killed 33 young leftists – a lawyer seeking justice for the victims has revealed that hours of surveillance footage following the attack was likely erased or concealed.
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