You may already be familiar with TorBrowser. But the anonymous internet has a lot more to offer.

It has been a wild run, but today marks precisely nine years since the cryptocurrency train took off: January 3, 2009 was the day when the Bitcoin blockchain network had its very first block mined – the primordial block #0. The first-ever transaction was timestamped at 6:15PM (server time) and yielded a mining reward of 50BTC, which is worth approximately $739,312 at the time of writing. It took another six days until the second block (#1) was mined on January 9, 2009. Since then, the Bitcoin blockchain has mined well over half a million blocks. At the time of writing,…

A group of scientists recently developed an AI model which uses Google Street View photographs to determine startlingly accurate social insights about a geographic area. By looking at the cars we drive, the researchers’ deep learning network can determine a community’s racial, political, and economic makeup. The research was conducted by scientists and based at Stanford university, using an AI training method called a convolutional neural network (CNN). This method involves creating a “gold standard” set of images, checked by humans, which are used to teach a computer how to classify new images on its own. In this case the…
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