Journalist Ahmet Şık was taken into custody in his apartment by police this morning.

Tried in Özgür Gündem case, Aslı Erdoğan, Necmiye Alpay and Zana Kaya have been released. Erdoğan was arrested since August 19, Alpay since August 31 and Kaya since August 22.

A court in Istanbul on Dec. 29 ordered the release of novelist Aslı Erdoğan and linguist Necmiye Alpay who had been under arrest for around four-and-a-half months and four months, respectively

Stating that Prof. Dr. İştar Gözaydın being arrested without solid evidence and on grounds of some false denunciations was unacceptable, human rights organizations demanded Gözaydın’s immediate release.
As I sat down to write, I was still struggling to come to terms with the detention of my colleague Ahmet Şık by Turkish police without any explanation.

A court in the southeastern province of Diyarbakır ordered the arrest of Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) deputy head Aysel Tuğluk late on Dec. 28, two days after her detention in Ankara
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