As we approach the end of 2016, it’s disturbing to note the wide variety of ways in which government transparency has languished—even under an administration rhetorically committed to it. With the next administration poised to even further extend executive secrecy, it becomes ever more crucial for the courts and Congress to aggressively seek meaningful answers to questions for which the public deserves an answer.
Below are EFF’s top 5 threats to transparency in 2016:

Much like The Force, technology surrounds us, penetrates us and binds together our galaxy, which is why it’s so hard to identify which technologies might have the most significant impact in the coming year.
Love or hate Facebook, you’ve got to hate Facebook.
With the rise of new opportunities for commerce and marketing and more user engagement than ever in the mobile space, mobile-first has been the focus for 2016. Still, some marketers are still struggling. A study from Opera Mediaworksprovides some insight into this year’s growth.
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