The Wenner-Gren Foundation is celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2016. It was founded in 1941 with an endowment of approximately USfoundation and the field have in essence grown up together. Wenner-Gren preceded the other major US funder of anthropology, the National Science Foundation, by almost two decades and, through its grants, fellowships, sponsored symposia, and publications, has always been there for anthropology. It is not the same foundation as it was 75 years ago, however, and it has gone through its own difficult times, particularly in the 1970s, when a downturn in the financial markets together with changes in the US not-for-profit laws put severe pressure on the foundation, and again in the 1980s when, for a variety of reasons, it was almost lost to anthropology. However, the past three decades have seen a resurgence, and over this period we have provided approximately US$90 million to anthropology, funding almost 6,000 anthropological projects in the United States and abroad.
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The Anthropology Of Us: A Second Open Letter To Our Students
Huffington Post
I am back again with more wake-up news about the state of the society you will soon inherit. I don’t know if you’ve heard about yet another incident of hateful violence on one our college campuses—Ohio State. the site of a car ramming and a series of
Anthropology Professor To UN: Immigrant Youth Need Support
University of Cincinnati
In a world with more refugees than ever before, the number of displaced children is also growing rapidly, with ramifications that University of Cincinnati anthropology professor Leila Rodriguez will explore Dec. 2 at the United Nations Women’s
My Next Two Books: Theological Anthropology and Edwards Devotional
Patheos (blog)
Reenchanting Humanity: A Theological Anthropology (B&H Academic). In this scholarly theological work written for both the seminary classroom and the church, I’ll build out a full-fledged vision of humanity. I believe that our 21st-century context has

On a scorching afternoon in July, dozens of people dressed in white gowns wait in line, slowly inching forward along the winding cement and stone path that leads down into the Jordan River, which is lined with eucalyptus and palm trees. One by one, these modern-day pilgrims wade into the clear waist-high water, where a Roman Catholic priest who is traveling with a group from Trinidad dunks each person under water three times. “I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,” the priest intones.
Blazing an anthropological trail with Towson professors
Baltimore Sun
But anthropologists at Towson University say the Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail, which runs through portions of Pennsylvania, Maryland, the District of Columbia and Virginia, tells a tale with subtler, more surprising layers, and they’re
Annamaria Dall’Anese, PhD student, UCL Anthropology
If the informal use of the internet through personal devices on board merchant vessels encounters barriers due to patchy infrastructure and weather issues, then the formal provision of ICT-empowered telemedicine has brought to an end the era when the sea made the ship an entirely isolated environment.
Museum event delves into anthropology
Eureka Times Standard
Humboldt State University student Rachael Luster will share her love of anthropology with children attending the HSU Natural History Museum’s next Discovery Day event. “Clues to the Past and Present” will take place Saturday from noon to 4 p.m. at the
Anthropology study hopes to provide alternative responses to fear-based violence
The Scribe
A study conducted in the Anthropology Department hopes to show participants that we have been socially conditioned to respond to perceived threats with violence. In the spring semester, associate anthropology professor Kimbra Smith will conduct the .

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