After the election, individuals took to the streets across the country to express their outrage and disappointment at the result of the U.S. presidential election. Many protesters may not be aware of the unfortunate fact that exercising their First Amendment rights may open themselves up to certain risks. Those engaging in peaceful protest may be subject to search or arrest, have their movements and associations mapped, or otherwise become targets of surveillance and repression.

Months later, when net neutrality comes and end, today is the day we’ll look back at as the one that started it all. If appointing a climate change contrarian to the EPA didn’t get your blood boiling, maybe President-elect Trump messing with where you get your porn will. Hell hath no fury like the people of the internet when you mess with their porn. It’s no secret Trump isn’t a fan of net neutrality. Today, he shattered any notions of fandom by appointing two long-time adversaries of the FCC to his transitional team — Jeffrey Eisenbach and Mark Jamison. Eisenbach…

The idea of owning a real Transformer is now a reality thanks to BMW. If you’ve got deep pockets, and a plane ticket to Abu Dhabi, you can own ‘Antimon,’ the BMW 3-series that transforms from car to robot in 30 seconds. “We want to show our power all over the world,” Turgat Alpagot, sales and marketing director for Letrons, the Turkish startup behind the transformer told CNN. “We think if we do something like this it’ll get great exposure all over the world.” It’s not drivable or street legal, but you can pilot Antimon by remote control.
Propaganda, psychological warfare, and real-time surveillance were all on the agenda at the Sixth Annual Conference on Social Media Within the Defence and Military Sector.

Artificial intelligence is not only reshaping the technology these tech giants use but how they organize and operate their businesses.
White nationalists on Twitter are readying themselves for a life without the social network.
Several prominent members of the “alt-right” were banned from the platform on Tuesday, including Richard Spencer, whom some consider to be the “father” of the internet-savvy white nationalist movement.
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