SANGER: Or to take on the burden themselves. TRUMP: Or, if we cannot make the right deal, to take on the burden themselves. You said it wrong because you said or — or if we cannot make the right deal for proper reimbursement to take on the
America just endured its first presidential election in which the majority of the electorate got its news from social media. And the outcome is already prompting soul searching by the companies that shaped it. Facebook Inc. will have to contend
Hyperloop co-founder said he would fund ‘Calexit’ campaign for Democratic state to become its own nation as tech industry has been at odds with Trump
For some, buried in the visceral reaction was also a realization that the tech industry’s relationship with government — not to mention the public — looks bound to shift in a fundamental way. During the Obama years, Silicon Valley
To put it bluntly, the media missed the story. In the end, a huge number of American voters wanted something different. And although these voters shouted and screamed it, most journalists just weren’t listening. They didn’t get it. They didn’t get
One way to think of the job journalism does is telling a community about itself, and on those terms the American media failed spectacularly this election cycle. That Donald Trump’s victory came as such a surprise — a systemic shock, really
What the Trump win means for tech, science and beyond
— Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) November 9, 2016
Allegations that young family was deported despite lodging asylum claims in Greece weaken basis for EU-Turkey deal
A group of Syrian refugees including a couple with four young children detained in Turkey say they were tricked into being deported from Greece last month without having their asylum claims processed.

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