In 60 days, drone journalism will be legally possible in any U.S. newsroom
In 60 days, drone journalism will be legally possible in any newsroom in the United States. That’s not to say it will be easy, but it will be legally possible in ways that it has never been before.
If you work at a digital news organization, you’re likely surrounded by numbers: pageviews, shares, clicks. But how do you move past one-size-fits-all stats (and analytics programs designed more for brands and retailers than journalists) to the numbers you should really care about?

Most of the publishers using Medium would describe themselves as small, or small-ish. But sites like The Ringer and The Awl are huge compared to the Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism, which also began monetizing on Medium in June.

In early June, a man posted an image on Facebook of a bloodied woman who he said was attacked at a Trump rally because she supported his candidacy. “The result of Fascism in America,” wrote Greg McCurdy.
Slack, already an indispensable tool within newsrooms, is becoming a surprisingly effective community tool for publishers as well.
Back in April, The Washington Post launched Pay Up, a Slack-based community aimed at women in the tech sector. One part career support group, one part networking tool, the group has quickly become home to discussions about the male-female wage gap, salary negotiation tactics, and news about job openings.
Has your employer built its audience strategy around Facebook traffic? Welp, today’s not a good day for you. Facebook announced today it is changing its News Feed algorithm to give more weight to content and links shared by friends and family — and less weight to what publishers share:

New York magazine’s Gabriel Sherman takes a look at The Washington Post under the leadership of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos in this week’s issue. Some tidbits, most of which have an “according to sources” attached, from the article:

Almost a year to the day after launching its Canadian edition, BuzzFeed announced this week that it would be closing its Ottawa bureau and re-locating staff to the US.
Some outlets sold the news as BuzzFeed succumbing to the “pressure” of digital publishing affecting much of the industry, of a bureau in Ottawa that had served its purpose in covering the Canadian election and was no longer relevant to the organisation’s plans.
“Even 15 years after Blogger, it’s still hard to publish on the internet,” a Medium executive told a group of publishers this past spring. Medium has now made it its mission to make publishing easier: After a few years of back-and-forth aboutwhether it was a publisher or a platform (or, ugh, a platisher), the company has stepped firmly into the platform camp.

Earlier this month, Tribune Publishing Co., a 168-year-old newspaper publisher that’s been home to the Los Angeles Times, the Baltimore Sun and Chicago Tribune, changed its name to tronc.

With just over four months to go until America heads to the polls for one of the most controversial elections the country has seen, it is time to get your election monitoring up to the standard you’ll need for this event — wherever in the world you are covering it from.

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