Watchdog That Shepherded Panama Papers Now Constrained by Finances
Before Trump became the Republican nominee, BuzzFeed and the Republican National Committee had struck a $1.3-million deal to run ads in the fall before the general election. But then came Trump, and it looks like his racist comments of the last week were the last straws. According to Politico:

“We don’t run cigarette ads because they are hazardous to our health,” Peretti wrote, “and we won’t accept Trump ads for the exact same reason
I suppose no news was good news on April 18, 1930. At 6:30pm during the regularly scheduled news bulletin slot, the BBC News announcer turned on the mic and said:
For such a new technology, the news notification is a format that got really safe really quickly. For most publishers, notifications are rarely more complex than a headline that, when tapped, sends readers to their site. Some publishers, like Quartz and BuzzFeed, have experimented with the language within notifications, trading the stiff formality of newspaper headlines for a more loose, conversational tone. But notifications, and their role, have remained largely unchanged.

Whether it’s unlikely refugee stories, improbable free gas station concerts, orZika epidemic conspiracies, fake news on Facebook is nothing new. Spurious sources abound, preying on political biases, shock value, and straight-up, too-good-to-be-true temptation.

There are now more Americans working for online publishers and broadcasters than for newspapers, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Employment at online outlets first eclipsed newspapers in October 2015.
At Newsgeist Europe this past weekend, a few dozen journalists, executives, technologists, and media thinkers assembled once again to dish on the future of news. The mostly secret, mostly male, event played a significant part in the development of Google’s AMP last year. The latest event, held in Bilbao, Spain, generated some good conversation and observations from the small group of attendees. Here are a few of their tweets.
Instagram has rolled its new, algorithm-driven feed out to all of its users: Now, instead of seeing posts in chronological order, you’ll see what Instagram deems to be “the moments you care about” at the top of your feed. The change, the company says, is driven by the fact that
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