With Iceland’s Pirate Party Surging in the Polls, Its Government Resists New Elections
THROWN INTO DISARRAYby a Panama Papers scandal, Iceland’s coalition government appointed a new prime minister on Thursday, refusing to call early elections to resolve a crisis in public confidence brought about by the revelation that three senior ministers had secret offshore accounts.
British voters on June 23 may also decide the future of globalisation/ financialisation. If Britain votes to leave the EU, globalisation may be over, and with it an era in history.

The dedicated staff at the White House and State Department rolled out the red carpet early on May 13. It was going to be put to good use as President Obama and Secretary Kerry welcomed all five Nordic leaders — from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden — and more than 400 guests who help define and shape U.S.-Nordic relations.
The hypocrisy of European moralism: Greece and the politics of cultural aggression – part 2
In the current debt crisis, Greeks often stand accused of irresponsible borrowing, corruption, and laziness. In this article, I argue that the patently unfair way in which these stereotypes have framed the ongoing tensions between Greece and the other European countries is deeply grounded in the dynamics of “crypto-colonialism.” German fascination with ancient Greece has combined with the needs of British, French, and, later, American strategic interests to produce a toxic brew of humiliation and contempt for the Greek people of today. Yet Greece, by escaping from the aftermath of military dictatorship under the unexpectedly benign guidance of the elder Constantine Karamanlis, is now – in marked contrast to at least one other crypto-colonial state – giving the unelected leadership of the European Union and other creditors a lesson in democratic self-sufficiency. Resolution of the residual tensions will nevertheless only be possible when both sides agree to cease trading insulting stereotypes and admit the errors of a shared and embarrassing past – a process for which anthropological perspectives can offer significant support.

We do need borders – but these needn’t be barricades. Español
North African immigrants in Sicily. Vito Manzari. Wikimedia Commons. Some rights reserved.
By conflating arguments about the EU debate with the Port Talbot crisis and Europe’s controversial migration policy, they engender Euroscepticism
The Observer, in a front page article about an opinion poll, contended that the result was “a blow to David Cameron and the pro-EU camp”.

The blurring of the line between refugee and immigrant in Europe has made it virtually impossible to make compelling arguments in favor of proper protection of refugees or more effective immigration policy. This has thwarted honest and constructive discussion, allowing those who peddle fear and nativism to gain ground.
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