Eurosphere agenda: In case you missed- “‘Hundreds’ of masked men rampage through Stockholm station beating up refugee children…

Hundreds of men were part of the mob, which marched through Stockholm’s main train station, reportedly targeted refugees via Aftonbladet – Jan 30, 5:14 AM

Hundreds of masked men marched through Stockholm’s main train station on Friday evening, reportedly beating up refugees and anyone who didn’t appear to be ethnically Swedish. Wearing all-black balaclavas and armbands, the men ‘gathered with the

The Norwegian model: How does it work?

How does Norway’s relationship with the EU work?

Brussels Briefing: Davos and refugees

The Wednesday edition of our new Brussels Briefing. To receive it every morning in your email in-box, sign up here.

Davos chief Klaus Schwab

The annual Davos meeting, which opens today (20 January) in the Swiss Alps, will look into whether the forthcoming technological revolution can bring renewed prosperity in times of overwhelming challenge and mounting gloom

Andrea Lorenzo Capussela is the author of State-Building in Kosov

Angela Merkel, Germany’s conservative chancellor, has become the unlikely guardian of liberalism in Europe.

Ap_55504570484Thousands of refugees and migrants making their way along the Balkan route through Europe this winter are at risk of life-threatening hypothermia, aid groups warn

The Notara squat houses more than 100 refugees and migrants passing through Athens each night.

The Polish Threat to Europe

In the last two months, Poland has emerged as the latest European battleground in a contest between two models of democracy – liberal and illiberal. But while Poland is the largest EU country to embrace illiberalism, it is not the first, indicating a trend that must be combated.

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