The European parliament held a vote today to determine the future of net neutrality legislation in Europe. A set of new rules were passed to protect net neutrality in the EU by prohibiting internet service providers from charging websites in return for faster connections. However, the rules have come under much scrutiny as activists pointed out loopholes in their wording. And despite an open letter to the parliament signed by some of the biggest tech companies in the world, MEPs have voted in the legislation – loopholes and all. Great news that #EP just approved end of #roaming surcharges, putting…
The European Parliament has debated the issue of net neutrality for several years.
The results of these negotiations were included in the Telecoms Single Market (TSM) regulation, which went to a vote this afternoon in Strasbourg.

The death of roaming charges is imminent in the European Union.

13 European states agreed on a 17-point plan for countering chaos on the Balkan route at the special summit on the refugee crisis on Monday. Among other points, 100,000 places in reception centres are to be created in the region, and EU border protection is to be upscaled. At least Europe’s states are once again seeking dialogue, some commentators write. Others see the plan as neither satisfactory nor workable.
Ukraine Goes to the Polls In Local Elections, But Not Everyone Gets a Vote
Voting in local elections at a polling station in Kiev, on October 25, 2015. Image by Alexey_Ivanov from Demotix.
When it comes to internal corruption, European integration or the standoff with Russia, Moldova is in the media spotlight. Yet many Moldovans feel that there’s a whole society being left in the shadows.

Supporters of the Pegida movement have been protesting for a year at what they see as the Islamisation of Germany. Commentators observe a radicalisation among the demonstrators and their leaders in response to the refugee crisis, and see them as refugees fleeing the moral values of the West.
Each time an EU government is confronted with a threat to security, it nearly always plunges into knee-jerk reactions at the risk of undermining the very freedoms its officials claim to protect.
In the surveillance versus privacy debate that followed Snowden’s revelations, the UK government and the British press have been rather strange bedfellows.
Demotix/Jonathan Nicholson. All rights reserved.
In June 2013, the Guardian newspaper began to publish Edward Snowden’s account of mass data collection by the British and American governments. The revelations which followed led to public and political outcry across the world. But the reaction from the British press was almost more extraordinary than the leaks themselves.
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