‘A day-by-day digital documentary’: Covering the refugee crisis on Snapchat and Periscope
The BBC, Bild and TIME have been using Snapchat and Periscope to broadcast raw, unedited footage of their travels with refugees during their journey through Europe… read more
Tonight we met to deal with the unprecedented migration and refugee crisis we are facing. We decided on a number of immediate priorities and had an in-depth discussion on how to achieve long-term sustainable solutions. We all recognised that there
The interior ministers of the EU pushed through on Tuesday the distribution of 120,000 refugees among member states against the votes of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. While some commentators see this as a step towards a common EU policy on asylum, others fear that the majority decision on this major issue may leave the EU divided for good.
EU leaders must finally begin to address the root causes of the migration crisis

- EU agrees extra funding but no common policy on refugee crisis
- Hungary reports record number of migrants
- Turkey suggests buffer zone in Syria as price of cooperation
- Croatia-Serbia border dispute worsens
- Read the latest summary
Icelandic authorities ignored warnings before October 2008 on the expanded banking system threatening financial stability but the shock of 90% of the financial system collapsing focused minds. Disciplined by an International Monetary Fund program, Iceland applied classic crisis measures such as write-down of debt and capital controls. But in times of shock economic measures are not enough: Special Prosecutor and a Special Investigative Committee helped to counteract widespread distrust. Perhaps most importantly, Iceland enjoys sound public institutions and entered the crisis with stellar public finances. Pure luck, i.e. low oil prices and a flow of spending-happy tourists, helped. Iceland is a small economy and all in all lessons for bigger countries may be limited except that even in a small economy recovery does not depend on a one-trick wonder.
MAIN FOCUS: Greeks once more put their trust in Syriza | 21/09/2015

Alexis Tsipras’s left-wing Syriza party scored a surprising victory in the Greek elections on Sunday, receiving 35.5 percent of the vote. While some commentators hope the government will now give itself much needed elbow room vis-à-vis the country’s creditors, others worry that the Greeks are increasingly disenchanted with politics.

While Volkswagen CEO Martin Winterkorn resigned on Wednesday, the German government has now come under pressure to explain itself in the scandal overrigged emissions tests. It has allegedly known since the autumn of 2014 that the emissions were higher in normal conditions. Some commentators turn a critical eye on German politics and decry the ties with industry. Others explain the scandal saying that the battle for customers is making companies unscrupulous.

The refugees’ great march to Europe highlights global fractures that can no longer be avoided.
Migrants bound for Germany walk through the streets of Budapest. Demotix/Beata Zawrzel. All rights reserved.The March is a remarkable film shown on TV channels across Europe all of 25 years ago, but set a decade or two hence in the early twenty-first century. In a world sharply divided by poverty and affected by climate change, it portrays a charismatic young teacher in a Sudanese refugee camp who galvanises his fellow inmates to walk to Europe.

The leader of the European Parliament’s Socialists & Democrats group has called for the suspension of the Slovak delegation, following the controversial statements of Prime Minister Robert Fico. EurActiv France reports.
Last May, Italy’s parliament tightened criminal sanctions for accounting fraud. A few weeks later the Italian supreme court ruled that the new law had in fact achieved the opposite effect.
Italian PM Matteo Renzi in Rome, Italy at the Quirinal Palace. indiPHOTOpress/Demotix. All rights reserved.Last May, Italy’s parliament passed a law that was intended to tighten the criminal sanctions for accounting fraud. A few weeks later the Court of Cassation, Italy’s highest court, ruled that the new law had in fact achieved the opposite effect. This perplexing story merits a comment, for it offers an excellent illustration of some of Italy’s main politico-economic problems.

During his controversial meeting with Bavaria’s Minister-President Horst Seehofer, the Hungarian premier attacked Angela Merkel’s refugee policy.EurActiv Germany reports.

The Catalan election: Why it matters
Catalan voters will head to the polls on Sunday in what could be a milestone election for the future of the region, its independence movement, and Spain as a whole. Open Europe’s Vincenzo Scarpetta looks at the key issues in the Catalanelection.

Many asylum seekers want to reach Germany or Sweden, appearing less attracted to Mediterranean countries such as France and Italy. Big differences between national asylum systems explain their preferences. The EurActiv Network reports.
The sharp irruption of Podemos in Spain was seen with fear by the establishment, and they went after him. The same can happen to Corbyn if he does not take into account what happened in Spain. Español.
Jeremy Corbyn. July, 2015. Flickr. Some rights reserved.
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