President Erdoğan, who is set for a trip to France for a protest-turned-election rally in Strasbourg, should not be a topic of campaigning for the Nov 1 elections, Prime Minister Davutoğlu claims
Erdoğan urges OSCE for reports during upcoming Turkish elections

In the run-up to the Nov. 1 snap elections, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has called on the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) for drafting reports taking into consideration Turkish voters coerced by armed threat

A probe has been opened into 94 people for participating in the Gezi Park protests more than two years after the events, with the suspects facing up to six years in prison

If Turkey’s economy turns in on itself, employment in the country will decrease, according to former head of the Turkish Industrial and Business Association (TÜSİAD) and Boyner Holding board member Ümit Boyner
The talk of the town is the announcement of MP candidates and whether the choices of political parties can change outcome in the Nov. 1 election. I’ve delved into the issue by highlighting the most surprising changes in candidate lists:
Surprises from Turkish parties provide hint for elections by@ekizilkaya for #HDNOpinion http://t.co/psWBVySmNJpic.twitter.com/HJ9HBW1Zbe— Hurriyet Daily News (@HDNER) September 21, 2015
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