Cyberculture agenda: “Another blogger has been hacked to death in Bangladesh…”Microsoft says An Open Source Windows Is ‘Definitely Possible’

How Important Are Keywords In 2015?

This article originally appeared on Convince and Convert and is written by Pratik Dholakiya.

With every passing year, SEO moves further away from the realm of clear and simple guidelines to the world of blurry indicators and stringent punishments for perceived transgressions.2


Microsoft: An Open Source Windows Is ‘Definitely Possible’

One day, Microsoft could “open source” the code that underpins the OS—giving it away for free. So says Mark Russinovich, one of the company’s top engineers.


A blogger has been hacked to death in Dhaka weeks after another writer was murdered in a similar attack in Bangladesh’s capital city.

The Tunisian capital resembles London’s Hyde Park with the coming together of anti-capitalism groups.
The Cult of Steve

Someday, someone will write the definitive book about how Steve Jobs led Apple out of the wilderness, saving a near-dead company that ultimately became one of the world’s most valuable and beloved enterprises. It will combine a genuine understanding of technology with a full, nuanced, and unblinkered view of Jobs, the company, and its products, all placed in the context of our emerging digital age.

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