Eurosphere agenda: A quarter of French voters support Front National, the far-right party…

MAIN FOCUS: Merkel and Tsipras seek conciliation | 24/03/2015


Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and German Chancellor Angela Merkel adopted a conciliatory tone in Berlin on Monday, after politicians and media in both countries repeatedly attacked each other in recent weeks. Finally Tsipras has realised that he needs Merkel, some commentators write in delight. Others counter that the new soft-line approach won’t save Greece from bankruptcy.


Arms and the men: Sweden’s revoked Saudi arms deal

From the outside, the Swedish snub to the Saudi royals looks like a big triumph for women’s rights over commercial pressures. Close up, the ethical picture is a little muddier.

Local elections confirm a quarter of French voters support Front National

Front National won over 25% of the nationwide vote in the first round of French local elections yesterday. This is less than the latest opinion polls were predicting, but hardly a defeat for the party led by Marine Le Pen. Our Southern Europe expert Vincenzo Scarpetta explains why.

Amid the crisis, the Athens city council won the Bloomberg Philanthropy sustainable development and EFTA solidarity awards.

Europe, the Very Idea

Europe, the very idea is a series on the philosophical notion of Europe and what reflection upon it can lend to the sphere of concrete politics.


Greece’s Brest-Litovsk

SYRIZA’s leadership claims that the putative dilemma between war and peace, or between exiting austerity and staying in the Euro, is not exhaustive. The third possibility is neither war nor peace.


No-one can predict European politics

Remarkable results in French and Spanish local elections

Leaving the EU could damage Britain’s economy, according to a major new report from a leading think tank.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Chancellor Angela Merkel put on a public display of mutual goodwill yesterday (23 March), appealing to Greeks and Germans to set aside national stereotypes and work for a better European future.


Moldova’s ambiguous European integration


Moldova flag - Yuriy Vlasenko - Shutterstock.jpgThe EU may like to think of Moldova as its ‘star pupil’, but its unconditional support for successive corrupt governments may have lost it the support of the country’s people.

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