Wearing his now-iconic hat, clamping a pipe between his teeth, Sherlock Holmes endures as the very definition of deductive reasoning. His encyclopedic knowledge and diamond-sharp observation skills make him a larger-than-life figure that continues to fascinate audiences on both the small and big screens. Originally penned by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, a physician, the character […]

Can Twitter achieve its lofty 10-year goal of becoming a $14 billion business?
The U.S. Government often warns of increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks from adversaries, but it may have actually contributed to those capabilities in the case of Iran.

It’s fitting that the news about Jon Stewart’s retirement from The Daily Showbroke online. After all, few television programs have had such a plugged-in audience or have become such a large part of web culture.

After three Muslim college students were killed Tuesday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, some people took to social media to criticize what they perceive as scant media coverage of the incident

In the wake of the tragic shooting deaths of three Muslim college students in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, a portrait of three young, hopeful Americans has emerged.
Twitter released its latest earnings report last week, revealing that the platform added just four million new monthly active users (MAUs) in the fourth quarter of 2014, which now totals 288 million accounts.

The word ‘scannán’ doesn’t mean much to anyone outside of Ireland. But to Gaeilgeoirs, or Irish language speakers, it means film — and that’s what people uploading porn in recent months were depending on

You’re used to ads in regular TV programming, but what would you say if your smart TV started inserting ads into videos you own?

Facebook relies heavily on advertising to make money, so keeping its advertisers happy is important. Today, the company announced a new ‘relevance’ score for its ad reporting tools. The new metric is essentially Facebook’s estimate for how well an ad will perform with its target audience.
Acting on a lead from the entertainment industry, the U.S. Government shut down Megaupload early 2012.
The Economics of a Kickstarter Project
or How Much I Didn’t Make

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