After a meeting between ECB chief Mario Draghi and Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis the ECB has decided that Greece can no longer use sovereign debt as collateral for bank loans. With its decision the ECB has made it clear that it will defend the euro, some commentators write approvingly. Others criticise the bank for following Berlin’s course and further escalating the crisis in Greece.

The Greek head of state tried to rally French support for his cause yesterday, but France, like Germany, is keeping the new Prime Minister at arm’s length.EurActiv France reports.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Wednesday (4 February) that his main foreign policy goal was maintaining good ties with Russia and Germany, adding that the United States was an important partner, but not the central focus of foreign policy.

The Merkel government approved a new law meant to mitigate radical Islamist attacks, by making it a criminal offence to travel abroad to receive military training. Civil rights advocates are furious. EurActiv Germany reports.

European citizens could end up paying more for new medicines and for a longer period of time, write Aliénor Devalière and Tessel Mellema.
Contrary to popular perception, not all of Germany is behind Merkel’s hardline towards Greece. Can the victory of Syriza challenge the “no alternative” dogma and galvanize the German left?
Greece’s Pasok centre-left, one of the most prominent parties in post-1980 Europe is now a pale shadow of itself and a marginal presence in the continent’s social democracy.
If Syriza’s government is crushed by financial markets it would be hard to argue that democracy is still able to control capitalism.
Although Conservatives cite Lord Judge in support of repealing the human rights act, his actual position on the matter undermines their case for repeal.

There is no winter break in France’s shanty towns, where 300 Roma are expelled every week. In 2014, France evicted four out of five slum-dwellers; a higher proportion than in any other European country. EurActiv France reports.

Beginning his mandate with a promise to deliver a new start for Europe, the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, gets a mixed review after his first 100 days in office.
One of the recurring issues with UKIP’s development has been the double-edged sword that is Nigel Farage.
On the one hand, Farage is an exemplary politician, in terms of his connection with people and his ruthlessness in pursuing his agenda within the party.
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