Eurosphere agenda:”Europe in the global app economy….”Croatia and Serbia fail with genocide claims…

As the European Union prepares its plan for a Digital Single Market, policy-makers must take full account of the fastest growing segment of that market – the app industry, writes Sophie Mestchersky.


The International Court of Justice in The Hague has cleared Serbia and Croatia of committing genocide. It dismissed the claims the two countries had brought against one another arising from the Balkan wars. The ruling hinders mutual recriminations and paves the way for reconciliation, some commentators applaud. Others fear it will only reopen old wounds.

Germany’s PEGIDA “anti-Islamisation” movement held its first march in Austria on Feb. 2 but was dwarfed by a colourful counter-demonstration more than 10 times larger, according to police estimates
UN’s highest court rules Serbia did not commit genocide against Croats during the Balkan wars of the early 1990.
Yanis Varoufakis: In his own words

Greece’s leather-jacketed finance minister in his own words
Ukraine tightens travel regime with Russia

Russian citizens will no longer be able to travel to Ukraine using their internal passports, prime minister declares.
French soldiers injured in knife attack

Police say they have detained assailant after two soldiers injured in attack outside Jewish centre in city of Nice.
For Europe’s sake, Greece needs a ‘new deal’

Don’t believe the tripe about the crisis in Europe. With the election of the Syriza Party in Greece, the Greek people have offered Europe hope. This is Europe’s chance to turn from the crippling austerity that has left the South mired in depression and the North sinking in deflation. Syriza is calling for a “New Deal,” not only for Greece but for all of Europe.Read full article
What Is Plan B for Greece?

Though the far-left Syriza party’s recent election victory has sent Greek equities and bonds plummeting, there is little sign of contagion to other distressed countries on the eurozone periphery. The question is how long this relative calm will prevail.

During a visit to Budapest, German Chancellor Angela Merkel called on Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to take a more open approach towards political opposition and civil society. But the move was not enough according to observers, who accused Merkel of cronyism with a “mafia state”. EurActiv Germany reports.

Greece’s new government dropped calls for a write-off of its foreign debt and proposed ending a standoff with its creditors by swapping its outstanding debt for growth-linked bonds, its finance minister said on Monday (2 February), one week after winning a national election on an anti-austerity platform.

On a visit to Cyprus on 2 February, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras told his host, Cyprus President Nikos Anastasiades, that the two countries could form a bridge between Europe and Russia, currently estranged over Ukraine.

VIDEO: Anti-Islamist Pegida march in Austria

The anti-Islamisation movement Pegida, which originated in Germany, has held its first march in Austria.

The US has no plans to deliver weapons to Kiev ‘in the near future’, an adviser to US President Obama stated on Monday in response to reports to that effect published in The New York Times. The US and Europe must arm Kiev, some commentators write. Others warn that Russia would see weapons from the West as a pretext for stepping up its intervention in eastern Ukraine.

When the West intervened in Libya, it later turned into chaos. When the West did not intervene in Syria, it turned into chaos as well. Therefore, it is hard to draw a definitive conclusion whether it is good or bad to intervene, Justin Vaïsse, director of the Policy Planning staff of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs toldEurActiv Slovakia in an exclusive interview.


Change? How? England arises…

We are now clearly in the middle of a “constitutional moment” and those who want a new settlement for the country are beginning to stir and take action. How can you get involved, and what’s coming up?


Why Syriza wants a five-month cool-off

Why Syriza’s finance minister wants a five-month cool-off
Yanis Varoufakis: In his own words

Greece’s leather-jacketed finance minister in his own words

Protesters, including a few extremists flashing Hitler salutes, demonstrated Monday against perceived “Islamization” in the first rally of its kind in Austria. But the gathering drew only about 250 people, far short of the tens of thousands who have marched in similar rallies in Germany.


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The battle for eastern Ukraine – part of the territory that makes up ‘Novorossiya’ – is a war game with no victors.


Charges over German student killing

German prosecutors bring manslaughter charges against a man for the death of student Tugce Albayrak, whose killing shocked the nation.

How do we make sense of the seemingly incongruous coalition between Syriza and the Independent Greeks?


Greece PM ‘optimistic’ after talks

Greece’s new prime minister says he believes it will be possible to find a solution to the stand off with the EU over his country’s debt.

Member states can only work together to buy natural gas, as part of efforts to reduce Russia’s negotiating power, on a voluntary basis, the EU’s Energy Commissioner, Maroš Šefčovič, said on Monday (2 February).


Alexis Tsipras: New hope on the horizon

The visit to Cyprus by the newly elected Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras was an overwhelming success, one that offered hope that things are about to change for the better, writes Andreas Chrysafis.


Ahead of a visit from the new Greek Finance Minister in Berlin on Thursday (5 February), the centre-right faction in the Bundestag, Germany’s lower house, is standing its ground on Greece’s reform commitments, rejecting a debt haircut and an end to Troika inspections. EurActiv Germany reports.


A senior United Nations official warned Tuesday (3 February) that the humanitarian situation in eastern Ukraine was becoming untenable for millions of people, and urged “all sides” to halt the dangerous escalation in the fighting in eastern Ukraine.


The European Commission has proposed to help 1,633 media workers in Greece in sectors such as publishing, programming and broadcasting who have been made redundant, via the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF).


The primary goal of Podemos is to marshal an ample majority, which means in practice to build a middle-class party, and to give up the traditional Left/Right axis for a position of centrality.

Podemos rallies on January 31, 2015, for political change in Spain.


Greece lobbies EU leaders over debt

Greece’s leaders receive a guarded welcome to their proposals for a debt deal, ahead of crunch talks with EU creditors and leaders.
Ukraine conflict: Evacuees in survival struggle

Ukraine evacuees run gauntlet of shellfire and shortages

French influence in the world declined in 2014, according to the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR). Once ranked top in Europe for international affairs, France now occupies third place. EurActiv France reports.

The EU should help encourage a better business environment for pan-European media and help it develop new technology pilots, former Commissioners told an event on sustainable media staged in the Parliament last week (29 January).

Google leans towards EU-only ‘right to be forgotten’


Experts advising Google on a European court ruling ordering it to remove personal information from search results, is leaning towards limiting the application to European websites only.


Merkel is dead wrong on Ukraine


During her recent visit to Budapest, German Chancellor Angela Merkel insisted that the Ukrainian conflict “cannot be solved militarily” and thus Germany has no intention to support Kiev with weapons, writes Dr. Ainius Lasas



Conservative EU lawmakers mount censure motion against ‘extremist’ Greek cabinet

Conservatives in the European Parliament want the Assembly to vote next week to condemn a right-wing party in Greece’s new leftist-led coalition government, comparing it to an EU rebuke to Austria 15 years ago. But opposition on the left may thwart any resolution.




The 2015 general election in Britain – free and fair?



Majoritarian voting systems and parliaments are a terrible way to govern pluralist societies – here are some simple ideas that could do a far better job. We should be considering them.


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