Here is the link: How Are Journalists Using Social Media? [INFOGRAPHIC]
Facebook announced yet another tweak to the algorithm that governs its users’ News Feeds yesterday. The social network has introduced a new tool that allows users to flag a post as “a false news story.” The move follows a few other attempts by the platform to better delineate different types of content. For example, in August, it was reported that the company was experimenting with satire tags meant to help users differentiate between parody and news. They’ve also taken steps to push back against clickbait.
What, exactly, would Tinder for video discovery look like? How do you wrangle all the live video around a story across social networks? And is it possible to useMystery Science Theater 3000 as a prototype for a video engagement app?
These are a few of the ideas and questions journalists and technologists came up with at this past weekend’s Hacking Journalism event in New York. More than 100 people, from companies like The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, Vox Media, Genius, Wired, Chartbeat, and The New York Times, descended on Condé Nast’s offices to focus on creating new tools and other products for video.
You may remember a year ago I posted this short piece that detailed the decline of free daily newspapers in Europe. (“Remember how, a few years ago, some thought that Metro and others of its free ilk would sweep into the space paid dailies were leaving behind? It didn’t work out exactly that way.”) I included this chart by Piet Bakker, perhaps the world’s top analyst of free newspapers:
Protecting Journalists, Protecting Democracy
Dipnote – U.S. Department of State Official Blog / by Douglas Frantz
When Amy O’Leary announced in early January that she was leaving The New York Times to become editorial director at Upworthy, there was a collective jaw-drop in the digital journalism community.
What happened next certainly surprised me
— Jacob Harris (@harrisj) January 6, 2015
Sloppy P.R. charticles considered harmful
Nieman Journalism Lab / by Jacob Harris /
For two decades, The New York Times has had a reader insight panel — a subset of its audience that it occasionally surveys to “better understand the reading habits, lifestyles and interests of Times readers. (They’re far from alone in this;here’s The Washington Post’s, for instance.) If you’re on it, as I am, you get occasional questions about whether you read a certain section, whether you’d be interested in a particular new Times product, and so on.
Every weekday at 7 a.m., the countdown clock atop the Charlotte Five homepage resets — counting the hours, minutes, and seconds until another batch of five stories are posted.

Misleading With Statistics
How journalists make arguments with distorted data
No, BuzzFeed isn’t “beating” the New York Times
It becomes all too easy, when discussing BuzzFeed, to oversimplify its mission and contribution to journalism. Because it sprang to life as a purveyor of GIFs and humorous lists, perfecting the form such that it reaped huge web traffic rewards, it lent itself to dismissive characterizations as mere clickbait fodder, even as it evolved into a more complicated and serious endeavor.

Andy Carvin thought would have a quiet launch.
Quiet is a relative term, and in the case of — which aims to cover the news almost entirely through social media — that meant tracking things like the first gay couples to marry in Florida and a car bombing near a police academy in Yemen.

Seeking to hasten the use of drones for newsgathering, the Federal Aviation Administration on Monday announced it has signed a research agreement with CNN to share data from the network’s ongoing study of the issue with the goal of creating a “framework” for future use of such unmanned aircraft for that purpose.
Here’s another chapter from Geeks Bearing Gifts, this one about a topic I’ve discussed here: reinventing TV news. Read the whole thing on Medium. A snippet:
Yesterday, CNN announced that it had struck a deal with the feds that represents some progress for those interested in using drones for journalism:
CNN has entered into a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRDA) with the Federal Aviation Administration to advance efforts to integrate Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) into newsgathering and reporting.

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