Anonymous claims first victim in ‘Operation Charlie Hebdo’
Hacking collective Anonymous declared war on Islamic extremists after Wednesday’s deadly attack on Paris-based satirical newspaperCharlie Hebdo, and the group is now claiming its first victim
Anonymous, a loosely organized group of hackers with no leaders,announced its operation — codenamed #OpCharlieHebdo
Charlie is Ahmed. And Ahmed is Charlie. The Hashtags Emerging from the Tragedy in France
Shared by Twitter user @samkalidi. The meme was created from the mobile video which captured Ahmed’s execution.
A prescient article received before the tragic events in France this week, suggests three pressing reasons for the European Union to re-establish its role as a peacebuilding instrument in the minds of the general public.
Brother of slain Paris policeman: ‘One must not confuse extremists with Muslims’
The family of slain Muslim police officer Ahmed Merabet is urging people not to equate Muslims with extremists, following a string of deadly attacks in three days in Paris that left 20 dead and the city reeling.
The massive unity rally planned for Sunday in Paris will be challenging for officials trying to secure the area, especially since several foreign leaders will be in attendance
“It is a war against terrorism, against jihadism, against radical Islam, against everything that is aimed at breaking fraternity, freedom, solidarity… There needs to be a firm message about the values of the republic and of secularism.” French Prime Minister Manuel Valls
Based on this statement alone, it looks like France is about to fall into a Red Queen’s Trap. In this case, an all consuming struggle between an increasingly hollow nation-state and a large and growing population of people unwilling to assimilate. For example: here’s agovernment list and atlas of the 751 “sensitive neighborhoods” like the one below that won’t assimilate.

Freedom of Speech – Zacqary Adam Xeper: The cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo did not deserve to die. As a believer in free speech, I’m now supposed to go beyond that sentiment and lionize them as martyrs, fearlessly expressing themselves and standing up for the principles of freedom. I can’t do it. I will mourn for their deaths but I will not glorify their hate speech.
A week ago, Charlie Hebdo was anything but a household name. On Wednesday, after the appalling terrorist attacks in Paris, all of that changed.

We are facing a political threat, a totalitarian Islamist threat that manifests in terrorism. Journalists are defending something which is elementary to our democracy: our freedom to breathe and to laugh.
Caroline Fourest worked at Charlie Hebdo when it re-published the cartoons of the Prophet Mohamed. Karima Bennoune interviewed her for openDemocracy on the day of the Paris attacks.
There is a disconnect between the teachings of the Qur’an and much of the Muslim population’s understanding of the Qur’an. How do we address and resolve this issue?

This was a specific attack designed to sow division. We musn’t let it.
The horrific killing of ten journalists and two policemen in Paris on Wednesday has been widely described in the mainstream media as a ‘murderous attack on Western freedoms’, notably freedom of expression and the right to satirise. In response, some bloggers have insisted that the ‘attack had nothing to do with free speech’ but was simply part of the ongoing war between Western governments and jihadists.
Zafer Aknar, editor of Turkey’s satirical weekly Leman, speaks to The Associated Press in Istanbul, Turkey, Friday, Jan. 9, 2015. Aknar and his team are preparing a special tribute edition to their colleagues at Charlie Hebdo, with whom Leman had published two joint issues in 2002. On Wednesday, masked gunmen stormed the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo that caricatured the Prophet Muhammad, killing at least 12 people. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel)
“We are Charlie” projected on Place de la République in Paris after the attach against Charlie Hebdo. Photo via Claire Ulrich
#JeSuisCharlie: Popular but not Twitter’s biggest hashtag of all time
When armed attackers stormed the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris this week killing 12 people, there was an immediate outpouring of grief and outrage. Within hours of the attack, the hashtag #JeSuisCharlie (“I am Charlie” in French) began appearing on Twitter
A member of al-Qaeda’s offshoot branch in Yemen, known as al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula or AQAP, told The Associated Press on Friday that the group directed the deadly attack on the French magazine Charlie Hebdo.
If a person chooses to identify as a Muslim, we do not question her identity because that is disrespectful, especially if we are not Muslims ourselves.
Was the recent murder of 12 people at Charlie Hebdo, the French satirical paper, an act of Islamic terror? Or was it just terror, without a religious or identity character? Beneath the simplistic binary claims that the act does not represent Muslims and Islam, or that Islam is to blame altogether, there lies a difficult and important dilemma: How should we refer to the identity of the perpetrators of this, and other similar acts of terror? Should we consider them Muslims or not?
In solidarity with the people killed in Paris, this illustration is accompanied by the caption, “Break one, thousand will rise,” as part of the #JeSuisCharlie hashtag. Many people and media outlets have been sharing this illustration by Lucille Clerc but incorrectly crediting Banksy.
Credit: Lucille Clerc License: All rights reserved..
I participated in the online support campaign #JeSuisCharlie and I still support all attempts, by anyone, to highlight the importance of freedom of speech.
Hidden ‘Je Suis Charlie’ message emerges in a very unexpected place
Since Wednesday’s horrific terror attack on the satiricial magazine Charlie Hebdoin Paris, the phrase “Je Suis Charlie” (I am Charlie) has become a rallying cry of solidarity across the globe.
Dramatic photos from the simultaneous hostage crises in France
The two brothers suspected of killing 12 people in the Charlie Hebdo attack arereportedly dead after an hours-long standoff with police near Charles de Gaulle Airport
Anatomy of a standoff: How the French hostage crises went down
On Friday, French security forces killed the two brothers — Cherif and Said Kouachi — suspected of murdering 12 people in an attack on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. The suspects were killed after an hours-long standoff with police near the Charles de Gaulle Airport.
France suspect on the run: Who is 26-year-old Hayat Boumeddiene?
Two brothers wanted in the attack on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris were killed Friday in a police raid on a building near the Charles de Gaulle airport. A third suspect, possibly connected to the brothers, was also killed in a separate raid after he held hostages at a kosher market in eastern Paris

BERLIN—While the attack on Charlie Hebdo sent shockwaves around the world, in Germany the news couldn’t have come at a worse moment. Presiding over the second-largest Muslim population in Western Europe, after France, Chancellor Angela Merkel has been trying to stamp out a populist uprising in the country’s east that is demanding an end to the “Islamization” of the West
President Hollande: Attack on Paris market an “anti-Semitic” act
French President Francois Hollande on Friday referred to a deadly attack on a kosher market in Paris as an “anti-Semitic act” and urged France to remain “implacable” in the face of racism.
What we know about the terror suspects in France: Three dead, one at large
After an hours-long standoff with French police near the Charles de Gaulle Airport outside Paris, the two brothers suspected of killing 12 people in the attack on the Charlie Hebdo magazine are dead, officials say. Another gunman who took multiple hostages at a kosher market in eastern Paris was also killed in a police raid. Police are still searching for a fourth suspect, a woman.
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