Day 0 starts today with some pre-meeting events. There will be a public Freedom House reception in Taksim. I will attend the IGF as a Freedom House delegate. All FH delegates are listed here in this Twitter list (and they contribute at #FHDel). In addition to this massive event IGF 2014, there will be an alternative event that will take place in my own campus: Internet Ungovernance Forum. They are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Although some boycott IGF and only attend the latter, many activists are planning to attend Ungovernance Forum, too. I will try to make best of all organizations. and hopefully pin down some notes. I will probably be more active at my Twitter account but without ignoring my beloved blog…
Previewing the Internet Governance Forum in Istanbul
Center for Democracy and Technology (blog)
The 9th annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF) meets in Istanbulthis year from 1 to 5 September. As with IGF Bali last year, the meeting will be a
Africa’s participation at the 9th IGF Istanbul, Turkey 2-5 September 2014
KICTANET ⋅ admin
The 9th Annual Internet Governance Forum Meeting will be held inIstanbul, Turkey on 2-5 September 2014 at the Lütfi Kirdar International Convention
Why we’re boycotting the Internet Governance Forum
Renowned Turkish internet rights advocates are boycotting the internet governance conference which this year takes place in Istanbul
By Yaman Akdeniz and Kerem Altiparmak / 20 August, 2014
ÖZEL ATÖLYE 3 Eylül 2014 13.00 – 18.00, Taksim MMO (Harita)
Governance or Ungovernance: A Strategy Workshop for Internet Activists
Misafir katılımcılar: Milton Mueller, Robin Gross, Melih Kirlidog, Meryem Marzouki
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