That’s how it works here in Turkey… They do not seem to know that both drinks belong to same company… Pro-AKP circles started a campaign to boycott Israeli products and their first product to boycott is Coca Cola. Although the latter is not an Israeli company, they believe that Coca Cola “helps” Israel. Thus comes the boycott. I am not sure if this silly boycott will be effective at all…
News in Turkish here.
Turquie : changement de régime ?
Libération (France) vendredi 18 juillet 2014, p. 22 Par Samim Akgönül * La Turquie s’apprête à voter les 10 et 24 août lors d’une élection inédite où le président de la République sera élu au suffrage universel, à travers un scrutin à deux tours, mais vidé de sa substance. La loi électorale prévoit minimum 20
40 Years after the Intervention: Turkish Public Opinion on the Cyprus Dispute
Public Opinion Surveys of Turkish Foreign Policy (EDAM) Türkçe 2014/3 EDAM’s ninth public opinion survey shows that 40 years after the intervention, the Turkish public is divided on how to resolve the Cyprus issue. When asked about their preferences for the outcome of the ongoing

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