of course this line of research always problematic for me…
The Danish are consistently ranked as the world’s happiest people, and a new study shows that the key may be found in their DNA
Why is the grass always greener on social media?
Scientific American (blog)
The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Scientific American. Email Print. Krystal D’Costa is ananthropologist working in digital media in New York City. You can follow AiP on Facebook. Follow on Twitter @krystaldcosta.
Linguistic anthropologist Robin Shoaps examines how American conservatives outside of media punditry engage with the American Right’s claims of embattled minority status in this month’s Society for Linguistic Anthropology column in Anthropology News.
Hallucinatory ‘voices’ shaped by local culture, Stanfordanthropologist says
Stanford University News
Stanford anthropologist Tanya Luhrmann found that voice-hearing experiences of people with serious psychotic disorders are shaped by local culture – in the United States, the voices are harsh and threatening, in Africa and India, they are more benign
Digging the Occupation: The Politics of Boycotts and Archeology in Israel (BDS pt. 3)
Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology
Recently, the television network NBC started filming Dig, a new archeology drama set in Jerusalem. Normally, we’d be ecstatic to see our fellow archaeologists getting such media fanfare. But there is nothing normal about this venture. Filmed on-site in illegally annexed East Jerusalem, the show is underwritten by 6.5 million dollar grant from the Israeli government. For comparisons sake, this means Israel is spending more to film Dig than on the yearly education budget for all K-12 Palestinian schools.
Anthropologist keeps us from forgetting the past
Sioux Falls Argus Leader
One of the lessons of anthropology is that the civilization and technology of the past was often more advanced than we think. Many academics will make this point to their students in lectures. L. Adrien Hannus, professor of anthropology and director of
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