67 police officers, most handcuffed to be humiliated, detained in ‘parallel state’ probe in Turkey. Dispatches from Turkey…

A total of 67 people were detained as part of two investigations conducted by the anti-terror unit, one into ‘espionage’ allegations and the other into the ‘illegal wiretapping’
Emniyet'teki büyük operasyonun ayrıntıları
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Emniyet müdürü Köse’yi annesi uğurladı: Hiç canını sıkma, hırsızlar… By Zaman Gazetesi @zamancomtr 17 ve 25 Aralık Yolsuzluk ve Rüşvet Operasyonu sonrasında görevden alınan polislere yönelik operasyonda gözaltına alınan eski Terörle Mücadele Şube Müdürü Ömer Köse’yi evinin kapısından annesi.

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‘We certainly believe comments like these undercut Turkey’s ability to effectively influence the situation,’ a US State Department Spokesperson has said over Erdoğan’s remarks on Israel
A cold wind blowing between Erdoğan and Obama has been hindering direct communication between the two
During the speech, Erdoğan wore a scarf resembling a keffiyeh across his shoulders, symbolizing solidarity with the Palestinians
Erdoğan bid farewell to his parliamentary group during his address on July 22, saying it would be his last group meeting if he is elected president next month
Turkey’s Culture Wars

The battle between religious conservatives and secularists is fought most fiercely over women’s bodies.
Any return by President Abdullah Gül to the AKP as party chairman will have to wait at least 10 months, Erdoğan has said, strongly implying that he does not regard his longtime friend as a potential premier

Turkish main opposition says documents prove intel trucks were destined for al-Qaeda, ISIL

A senior executive of the CHP has suggested there is documented evidence showing the trucks headed for the Syrian border were carrying weapons to aid Islamist militants

Conflict on Syrian Border, Two Soldiers Dead

Over 500 people formed a three-kilometer-long human chain in Artvin to protest the mine project

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