Turkey unblocks access to YouTube after 67 days
Hurriyet Daily News
Turkey’s telecommunications authority has unblocked access to YouTube upon last week’s Constitutional Court ruling
YouTube access restored in Turkey
BBC News | Europe
Turkey lifts its ban on YouTube, after the country’s highest court ruled that it violated laws on freedom of expression.
ECHR : Torture Convicted After 15 Years
Bianet :: English
The European Court of Human Rights issued a verdict in the case of Yüksel Yiğitdoğan, an inmate who was tortured in detention and forced to testify without a lawyer. Turkey was convicted for violating ECHR?s ?prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment? and right to a fair trial
Turkish PM Erdoğan and CNN International in war of words over Gezi protests
Hurriyet Daily News
Turkish PM Erdoğan blasted CNN International?s correspondent Ivan Watson, who was detained on air during Gezi anniversary protests May 31, for being an ‘agent,’ but the U.S. broadcaster has stood by his reporting
Turkey’s top court rejects YouTube ban
Constitutional court says ban imposed in March on video sharing site violated individual rights and freedoms
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