Can This Web Be Saved? Mozilla Accepts DRM, and We All Lose
EFF.org Updates by Danny O’Brien
It’s official: the last holdout for the open web has fallen. Flanked on all sides by Google, Microsoft, Opera, and (it appears) Safari’s support and promotion of the EME DRM-in-HTML standard, Mozilla is giving in to pressure from Hollywood, Netflix, et al, and will be implementing its own third-party version of DRM. It will be rolled out in Desktop Firefox later this year. Mozilla’s CTO, Andreas Gal, says that Mozilla “has little choice.” Mozilla’s Chair, Mitchell Baker adds, “Mozilla cannot change the industry on DRM at this point.”
5 Arguments Against Net Neutrality
Mashable! by Todd Wasserman
When news of the Federal Communications Commissions’ plan to consider paid priority on the Internet hit Reddit, the question wasn’t so much whether the move was a good idea, it was “How do I best tell my elected representative that this is a horrible idea?”
Mozilla breaks our hearts, adds DRM to Firefox
Boing Boing by Cory Doctorow
For months, I’ve been following the story that the Mozilla project was set to add closed source Digital Rights Management technology to its free/open browser Firefox, and today they’ve made the announcement,
Glenn Greenwald: Biggest NSA-leak stories to come
‘Many more stories to go’ on top-secret documents taken by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, journalist says.
Three Things to Know About the Chinese Social Web
With an Internet population of 618M and counting, larger than that of the US and Western Europe combined, it?s becoming perilous not to become familiar with the platforms and technologies that drive this avalanche of upwardly mobile middle-class consumers. Here’s a quick primer about the Chinese social web
240 Writers Guild of America members sign pro-Net Neutrality letter to the FCC
Boing Boing by Cory Doctorow
As I described in a previous column, the copyright monopoly cannot be enforced without mass surveillance. There is no way to tell a private conversation in a digital environment from a monopolized audio file being transferred, not without actually looking at what?s being transferred. At that point, the secrecy of correspondence has been broken and mass surveillance introduced.
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