I and another colleague of mine and 8 of our students are attending an Erasmus IP Project lectures in Cascais, Lisboa, Portugal. We will be the guest of IADE Lisboa.

You would probably not recognize that I am not in Turkey as I will probably keep posting Turkey related stuff/ as I will probably not change pace of posting. Still this will be my longest stay abroad since my PhD thesis defense in 2009.
And now I think, I rarely post personal stuff in recent years. Maybe I should may be I should not. Workload is heavy and I am obsessive to save all news and op-ed and not much time to write more personally. At least I rarely do some exclusive commentaries about Turkish politics and society.
I am a bit worried that I might miss many actions back in Turkey as the local elections are on March 30 and Turkey is going through one of the most tense periods. Well, I will do my best to cover this process even if I am not here until March 21. And since I will be back 10 days before the election, I might still get the best… We will see.
In addition to routine posting, you can follow my twitter and instagram handles (both @sakaerka) (which will probably have more stuff about my wanderings) and you can mail me at sakaerka@gmail.com
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