So far, the only piece in Turkish here.
The battlefield is the Internet. Whoever wins the Internet wins the war.
(h)ac(k)tivist — (hak-tuh-vist)
noun: a person who uses technology to bring about social change.The Hacker Wars ?a film about the targeting of (h)ac(k)tivists, activists and journalists by the US government. There is a war going on?a war for our minds, The Hacker Wars.
The government needs to control information. The Hacker Wars is about the information warriors who are fighting back
February 11th is The Day We All Fight Back. From Uganda to Poland, from Colombia to the Philippines, the people of the Internet have united to fight back. The Day We Fight Back?s main international action is to sign and promote the 13 Principles. The 13 Principles outline how communications surveillance can be conducted consistent with human rights and serve as a model for surveillance reform. Over the past year, nearly 370 organizations have come together to support it. Today, these Principles are about to receive their most important endorsement: the people?s.
Two years ago, websites including Google, Wikipedia, Reddit and the one you?re reading now, took drastic action to protect the Internet. In an inspiring show of collective defiance, hundreds of websites went dark to protest against the Stop Online Piracy Act, a rising piece of legislation with the potential to increase censorship and hamper innovation.
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