As it reaches its first decade of existence, Mark Zuckerberg‘s creation stands as the premiere social network in the world. With 1.23 billion current monthly active users, the online juggernaut’s user base far surpasses that of the entire Internet in 2004. How’s that for growth?
It’s not just Bitcoin anymore: Thousands are flocking online to ‘mine’ and trade dozens of alternative currencies.

Facebook, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Google, and Microsoft have all released new data about the national security requests they?ve received. Under new rules from the US government, each company is now allowed to provide how many requests for member data it?s received, the number of accounts impacted, and the percentage that they respond to.
Cryptography Breakthrough Could Make Software Unhackable
In a watershed moment for cryptography, computer scientists have proposed a solution to a fundamental problem called “program obfuscation.”
Facebook’s Greatest Innovations: The First Decade
Facebook, the world’s most widely used social network, celebrates its 10th anniversary today. Here’s a look back at a decade’s worth of innovation.
10 Years Later, the Hacker Way Still Rules at Facebook
Exactly a decade since its founding, Facebook still demonstrates what it takes to instill and sustain a shared mindset even when its footprint is spreading like wildfire
The rise of native advertising: Fine or farce?
?The reader is a friend, not an adversary, not a spectator.? ? Jonathan Franzen
Scroll, scrolling, scroll, stop. A slice of content caught the ever-roving eyes of today?s digital consumer amidst an endless timeline. Click the link, fly to the website, and recognition resumes.
Why we use email for everything and how we can be better emailers
Denis Duvauchelle is the CEO and co-founder of Twoodo Mail, helping your team collaborate effectively with email through #hashtags.
Email is arguably one of the greatest things the Internet made possible.
As with all huge innovations, no one could have predicted how email was going to be used in the future. What began as a messaging service has now become a document exchange point and archive for 76 percent of people.
Big Data and the Brave New World After Tim Berners-Lee
By John J Kelly and Richard Cross
Karl Marx viewed the 1849 Gold Rush, which caused the largest land migration in America?s history, as important as the discovery of America itself. He was right, but in ways he could not have imagined. The vast majority of goldbugs found nothing except California, but this gave the world Hollywood and Silicon Valley. Motion pictures and TV gave seeming substance to the American Way, rewrote history and sold the American Dream as an aspiration and fact to the US and to the rest. Later, Silicon Valley gave substance to the digital economy, which now gives its masters and commanders the very real possibility to control the way we think, behave, work and consume.
Pirate Party MPs, MEPs Jointly Nominate Snowden And Manning For Peace Prize
Civil Liberties:?Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning have been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2014 in a joint nomination by the Pirate MPs of Iceland and the Pirate MEPs of the European Parliament.
GoDaddy changing security policy after infamous social engineering attack on @N
Naoki Hiroshima?s scary tale of losing his single-character Twitter handle has captivated the internet over the last few days. First, we heard the story of how Naoki was held ransom for the rare handle, then GoDaddy admitted it was partially responsible for giving out details that lead to the compromise.
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