Israeli airlines to resume fligh

Israel will renew regular flights to Turkey following a hiatus of more than 5 years, announced Israeli Transportation Minister Israel Katz
EU and Turkey in deal on migrants
Turkey and the EU sign a deal enabling EU countries to send back illegal migrants who entered the 28-nation bloc via Turkey.
Turkey, EU display mutual willingness for revival of ties
Turkey signed a long-anticipated agreement with the European Union yesterday, refreshing hopes for new momentum in stalled bilateral relations between Ankara and Brussels
Turkey admits export of rifles to Syria ?for sports?
No weapons intended for war have been exported to Syria in 2013, Defense Minister İsmet Yılmaz said
Turkey: lecturing not listening | Editorial
A new Turkey has emerged during Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s years in charge. He and his party need to live with what they have created
Through all the disappointments that have followed the Arab spring, liberals inside and outside the Middle East have been able to say that Turkey was standing proof that Islam and democracy were compatible. But what has been happening recently suggests a critical examination of this belief is in order.
2014 Syria Regional Response Plan: Turkey
Report ? UN High Commissioner for Refugees 16 December 2013 The influx of Syrian refugees into Turkey has far surpassed initial projections. According to a recent survey conducted by the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD), the main Governmental agency responsible for the Syria operation, about 36 per cent of Syrian refugees in Turkey ar
Les Turcs pourraient bientôt se passer de visa pour l?UE
Le Soir (Belgique) lundi 16 décembre 2013, p. 16 Anne Andlauer, Istanbul, De notre correspondante Les propos du chef de la diplomatie turque, le 4 décembre à Bruxelles, sonnaient comme une promesse: «C?est un jour historique. Le peuple turc pourra voyager sans visa dans l?Union européenne d?ici trois ans, trois ans et demi au plus
L?UE et Ankara signent un accord sur l?immigration
Le Figaro (France) no. 21576, mardi 17 décembre 2013, p. 10 Laure Marchand, Istanbul La Turquie récupérera les migrants passés en Europe par son territoire, et obtiendra la fin des visas pour ses ressortissants. Europe. « Clandestins contre visas » , c?est en résumé la substance du double pacte scellé lundi par l?Union européenne et
A new chapter in EU-Turkey negotiations: a step too small
Notes internacionals (CIDOB), No. 78, November 2013 Español Barcelona Centre for International Affairs Eduard Soler i Lecha * After three years of paralysis, the European Union has decided to open a new chapter in the negotiations on Turkish accession. This decision can be interpreted as a strategy to gain time,
Ankara ?harshly condemns? execution in Bangladesh Ankara has strongly condemned the execution of an Islamist opposition leader in Bangladesh La Turquie au Moyen-Orient : L?apprentissage de la puissance Étude de l?IRSEM, n°28, 2013 Gilles Riaux (dir) * Depuis l?arrivée au pouvoir de l?AKP en 2002, la Turquie a développé une ambitieuse politique étrangère vers le Moyen-Orient, zone autrefois délaissée par Ankara. Elle correspond à une vision stratégique qui place la Turquie à l?articulation de plusieurs espaces géographiques pour démultiplier son action internationale. Conformémen |
The Double Souls of Turkey and its Impact on Turkish-U.S. Relation
German Marshall Fund of the United States, December 16, 2013 Ahmet K. Han * Turkey?s hybrid Western/Muslim character is reflected it is relationship with the United States. The Turkish public resents the United States? foreign policies and perceived ?meddling? in Turkey?s neighborhood. At the same time, the Turkish government is quick to bask in any
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