Take a Tour of Robocoin, the World’s First Bitcoin ATM
David Plotz: People have a misguided belief in it, but, in general, the fact that anonymity is increasingly hard to get?Facebook doesn’t permit it, most commenting on a lot of sites doesn’t permit it?there’s a loss when you don’t have anonymity.
Facebook Shows Strong Performance In Adobe Social Media Intelligence ReportFacebook?s cost per click dropped 40 percent over the past 12 months, while the click-through rate for advertising on the social network soared by 275 percent, and return on investment was up 58 percent, according to a study of some 131 billion Facebook ad impressions, 400 million unique visitors, more than 1 billion posts, and 4.3 billion engagements over the past 12 months by Adobe.
Wikipedia Bans Transphobic Editors After Chelsea Manning Dispute

It has been said, that nobody is as hard to convince of a fact as those whose paycheck depend on not understanding it.
This applies strongly to those copyright industry lobbyists who make a living dismantling our freedoms of speech, assembly, and opinion.
Buffer confirms hackers stole users? Twitter and Facebook tokens, but billing information unaffected
Users of Buffer ? the tool that allows you to schedule your social media across timezones ? faced a nasty surprise when Buffer was hacked over the weekend and the service began spreading scam links. The Buffer team has finally learned how the hackers breached its system and closed the vulnerability, Joel Gascoigne, founder and CEO of the company wrote in an update to a blog post today.
BERG opens its ?Internet of things? development platform to everyone
London-based design company BERG has been designing products with major tech firms such as Google and Intel since 2005, not to mention its own neat littler printer which launched to much acclaim last year.
More than half of US adult Internet users (54 percent) post original photos or videos online that they themselves have created, while just under half (47 percent) take photos or videos that they have found online and repost them on sites designed for sharing content. These numbers are both up from 46 percent and 41 percent last year, respectively
Why Creating a Blogging Website is Essential
Who benefits from a blogging website? You do. Whoever you are you will benefit from blogging, but you must locate your reasons for blogging or you will fail. Most of you seek out blogging as a forum for expression, and this is the ideal, but not the only motivation.
Italy Plans to Wipe Out Pirate Sites and Expose Owners

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