BitTorrent Launches ?NSA-proof? Serverless Messenger App
Over the past months the revelations of Edward Snowden have dominated the news.
Internet privacy suddenly became a mainstream topic and all the negative news has increased the demand for encrypted and secure communications.
How Can Somebody Who Loves Culture Possibly Defend The Copyright Monopoly?
One of the most perplexing accusations that are thrown at me and other copyright monopoly critics is that we ?hate culture?. This is not just weird in a Westboro-Baptist-Church kind of way (?if you don?t subscribe to our dogma, you must hate our way of life, freedom, liberty, and fluffy kittens too?), but it is also completely at odds with reality.
Content & Color: An updated look for Docs, Sheets & Slides
Darker Net is going dark ? bye, bye?
Darker Net is closing down ? going dark ? going off the grid entirely ? though we may reincarnate ? in another time, in another place and with another name, so expect us? Meanwhile, after heading south and crossing two borders we are now approaching our destination ? Chiapas ? where we intend to stay for a while, perhaps indefinitely. Below, are some of the ?highlights? of the Darker Net ?project?, together with closing remarks re some of the ?themes? we covered: above, is a video whereby at long last our true political philosophy is revealed!
Born with Anonymous, grow up with RedHack
Time for me to change. I will leave Anonymous temporarily, at least ?the front?. I will try to step back into the shadows and to rest as an Anon. Since 1 year I have worked hours and hours on operation, based on twitterstorms up to online protest. But all this does not mean I will give up and forget everything I have done as an Anon. I will not forget Barrett Brown, Jeremy Hammond, the people who are struggling for their lives in GITMO, those who are being killed and handled as animals in Myanmar, Gabon and Kashmir. I will not forget anything, but I will continue the road of activism with RedHack.
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