Turkey PM patience ‘has limit’ as protest violence flares
Member of Beşiktaş supporters’ group Çarşı stabbed in Taksim Gezi Park
Nationwide Gezi Park protests in Turkey see police intervention overnight

13 suspects sent to court for ?provoking riots? on Twitter in Turkey
Taksim platform softens demands, insistent on Gezi Park
Turkey protests unnerve Arab Islamists, analysts say
Secular opposition in the region remains weak despite discontent with ruling Islamic parties
Istanbul governor apologizes for ?exorbitance? during Occupy Taksim protests
Istanbul Gov. Hüseyin Avni Mutlu posted an apology message
Governor Tweets Gezi Parkers: I Wish I Were With You
?Is it true that mornings are peaceful with birds singing, linden scent and bee whizzes ın Gezi Park? I wish I were with you,? Istanbul Governor Mutlu posted yesterday morning at 5:30 am local time, addressing Gezi Park protestors via twitter
To chapul or not to chapul?: Gezi Park takes apart the power, with laughter
The ultimate impact of the Gezi Park protests
Numbers alone do not guarantee media pluralism. Just look at Turkey
Multiple media owners can be a weakness when a government, like that of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, wants to play rough
Turkey, with a dozen big TV stations, 50 or so nationally available newspapers and hundreds of local radio operations, ought to be a paradise of media pluralism, providing a range of coverage that underpins its democracy. No big, bad Murdochs and other overseas tycoons; just public-spirited Turkish proprietors supporting press freedoms. So why, last week, were the great angry crowds who flooded out of Taksim Square onto our own front pages painfully missing for so long on Turkish television or from the headlines of powerful papers such as Sabah?
Turkey embodies almost everything one needs to know about the Middle East. As the name ?Near East? (Middle East) was bestowed on the region by Western historians and politicians, it has a Eurocentric tinge to it. This term parts the world into the occident and the orient.
Egypt’s Islamists, opposition closely eye Turkey
CAIRO (AP) ? Liberal-minded Egyptians and supporters of the ruling Muslim Brotherhood now share one thing: the rival sides are closely following protests in Turkey, a country that has provided the heavily polarized and increasingly impoverished Egyptians with a tantalizing model for marrying Islamist government with a secular establishment and achieving prosperity along the way
Why Erdogan Doesn’t Have A Fact-Checker
Is Turkey’s Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan just kept lying or are his advisers constantly misguiding him?
I’m not sure.
Turkey needs a real shot at joining the EU.
Ruling AKP to hold two mass rallies in Istanbul and Ankara next week
The ruling AKP is set to hold two mass rallies neext week as a response to the protests that spread all across the country.
#Occupygezi: The resistance is tweeted
One of the thousands of photos circulating on social media in the last couple of days in Turkey shows..
?We are here, in the Park, in the LGBT Bloc, come and talk to us.? The message came..
The Chapull-Jew (çapulcu) interest rate lobby
I thought the government had forgotten about them, but Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Erdoğan?s way of handling crisis
Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan has not been handling the crisis flawlessly from day one.
Gezi Park protests shatter myth of apolotical youth, says scholar
The notion that Turkey?s youth are apolitical has been turned on its head by the Gezi Park
Gezi Park protests may turn 2014 election calculations upside down
?We have succeeded in five days in doing something that the opposition wouldn?t have been
‘Some people should warn us,’ says Deputy Prime Minister Arınç
Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç has urged self-questioning as protests over the demolition of Gezi Park entered their 13th day.
Turkey’s Erdogan vows to ‘choke’ financial speculators
By Jonathon Burch ANKARA (Reuters) – Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan vowed on Sunday to “choke” financial market speculators who he said were growing rich off “the sweat of the people”, and urged Turks to put their money in state not private banks. Speaking at a series of rallies in the capital Ankara after a week of the fiercest anti-government demonstrations in years, Erdogan blamed a
Team work of united ultras set Taksim ?on fire?
Tens of thousands filled Taksim Square, with the ultras in the forefront, to hold one of the biggest demonstrations since the beginning of the protests.
PM Erdoğan repeats previously denied reports of protesters entering mosque with shoes on
Crowdfunded ?Turkish Democracy in Action? ad hits the New York Times
They did it! Frustrated with the lack of in-depth international mainstream media coverage of their massive citizen protests against Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a group called Turkish Democracy in Action took to social media instead. They set up an indiegogo appealto raise a budget for an ad campaign.
EU foreign chief calls for engagement of officials, end of violence over protests
Ataturk, the secular reformer, has become the symbol for young Turks defying what they see as Erdogan’s reactionary reversion to the Ottoman past
Among the tents, snoozing youth and pleasant shady trees of Istanbul’s Gezi Park there are portraits of one man in a European suit. Wherever you look Mustafa Kemal Ataturk ? founder of the Turkish Republic ? gazes sternly at you. Photos of the first president hang from branches, have been affixed to tea stalls, and even encircle a giant banner showing Turkey’s prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, dressed as Hitler.
Why Turkey’s mainstream media chose to show penguins rather than protests | Kerem Oktem
The government and business interests exercise a pernicious influence over Turkish broadcasters
Momentous protests in Taksim Square, Istanbul, followed after police brutally crushed an environmental activist sit-in at the adjacent Gezi Park on Friday 31 May. Yet, the Turkish mainstream TV stations, including MNSBC-affiliated NTV and CNN Turk, failed to cover the protests. In terms of press freedom, Turkey ranks number 154 according to Reporters without Borders (RSF), just after Mexico and before Swaziland and Azerbaijan. At least 33 journalists are in jail, and many more have been cowered into submission by pending court cases and highly precarious contractual arrangements. RSF also labels Turkey as an “enemy of the internet” with more than 15,000 websites banned, including notably and for several months Richard Dawkins’ personal website. Turkey’s media is, by all means, one of the least free in Europe, several places behind Russia.
Faut-il accueillir la Turquie dans l?UE ?
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan dismisses Turkey protesters as vandals
Turkish prime minister challenges anti-government protesters to beat his party at the ballot box as demonstrations enter 10th day
Turkey’s prime minister has climbed on top of a bus to give a fiery speech to thousands of his supporters, challenging increasingly angry anti-government protesters to beat his party at the ballot box after they flooded the streets for a 10th day of demonstrations.
On Sunday Recep Tayyip Erdoğan visited two cities where unrest has occurred and again condemned his detractors as a handful of looters and vandals.
Taksim Square:
Museum instead of mall, hotel or residences at Gezi Park, says Istanbul mayor

PRI’s The World
Bozdogan is a Turkish-American architectural historian, who teaches at Harvard and at Bilgi university in Istanbul. ?The protests are larger than just the park,? she says. ?I think it is a protest in general about the larger neo-liberal agenda of this
Independent European Daily Express
According to Asl? Tunç, head of the media and communications department at Istanbul Bilgi University, social media helped give a platform to opposition voices in Turkey that were growing online, even before the protests began. “This didn’t happen
How #OccupyGezi could transform Turkish society
New Statesman
A study by Bilgi University surveyed 3,000 #OccupyGezi protesters in a matter of 20 hours. The study concluded that 70 per cent of the protesters have no party affiliation. Similar percentages are first time protesters and the main reason people have
Living in Taksim – Daily Report June 6, 2013
Highlight of the day,rather, frustration of the day: PM declared in Algiers that they ?will build the barracks.? No understanding, no empathy, no reason. Luckily, the stock market went downhill after his declarations; that?s the only thing left that might convince him that he?s doing something wrong. He?s back in Ankara as of tonight, was supposed to land in Istanbul by 11 PM, but they keep on delaying it. The Interior Minister gave a speech full of blatant lies. Claimed no police attacked the Swan Park in Ankara, and when people pointed out that was untrue, he claimed that they had it wrong. OK? He also claimed that the injured young man who fell off the construction site of the cultural center the other day was pushed by the protestors. If he could only come to Taksim, he would see how people apologie to one another even if they push each other by mistake ? this isn?t just a lie, it?s slander in its worst form. But this is the man who was the head of Istanbul Police Force when Hrant Dink was murdered. Enough said.
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