The Internet of Things: In action
By 2015, six billion objects in the world will be connected to the internet. While it may seem tricky to grasp as a concept, the internet of things is nothing simpler, and more stunning, than objects being connected to the internet. At its most mind-blowing, these objects are learning and adapting to the behaviour of the user.
On remaining anonymous online –
blog/vpn-privacy/how-to- remain-completely-anonymous- and-hidden-online/
How Facebook Has Changed Since Going Public 1 Year Ago
“Facebook was not originally created to be a company,” CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote in hisSEC Registration letter a little more than three months before Facebook went public on May 18, 2012. “It was built to accomplish a social mission ? to make the world more open and connected.”

Open Rights Group Report: ?Digital Surveillance?
Joss Wright on 16 May 2013 at 21:33PM
The Open Rights Group have recently released ?Digital Surveillance ? Why the Snoopers? Charter is the wrong approach: A call for targeted and accountable investigatory powers?. The report sets out various arguments as to why the proposed Communications Data Bill in the UK, which aims to massively extend the scope of surveillance
Google+ Redesign: This Week in Social Media
Welcome to our weekly edition of what?s hot in social media news. To help you stay up to date with social media, here are some of the news items that caught our attention. What?s New This Week? Google+ Unveils New Design: The new Google+ design ?helps you easily explore content as well as dramatically improve
New Yorker (blog)
This morning, The New Yorker launched Strongbox, an online place where people can send documents and messages to the magazine, and we, in turn, can offer them a reasonable amount of anonymity. It was put together by Aaron Swartz, who died in
Danny O’Brien from the Electronic Frontier Foundation sez,
Internet celebrity “Kai the Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker” sought in New Jersey man’s murder
It’s hard to believe how long we’ve been instant messaging. The formerly ubiquitous AIM launched in 1997, and you’ve probably used a handful of services since registering your first screen name
In Wake of Brutal Murder, Bloggers Question Roots of Russian Homophobia
Over the past year RuNet Echo has covered the woes of the Russian LGBT community [GV], specifically with regard to laws banning so-called ?propaganda of homosexuality,? passed first by the city of St. Petersburg [GV] and now being championed in the Russian parliament [GV] by MPs Sergey Dorofeev and Elena Mizulina (the proposed bill is currently in its second ?reading,? or amendment process).
MIT Master’s Thesis on Denial of Service attacks as a form of political activism
Molly sez, “For the past two years I’ve been researching activist uses of distributed denial of service actions. I just finished my masters thesis on the subject (for the Comparative Media Studies program at MIT). Guiding this work is the overarching question of how civil disobedience and disruptive activism can be practiced in the current online space. The internet acts as a vital arena of communication, self expression, and interpersonal organizing. When there is a message to convey, words to get out, people to organize, many will turn to the internet as the zone of that activity.
New International Coalition to TPP Negotiators: We Demand a Fair Deal for the Internet
Today EFF joins organizations from the around the world representing a diversity of interests in launching a new coalition to ask for A Fair Deal on intellectual property (IP) in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). The coalition has launched a website calling for TPP negotiators to ?reject copyright proposals that restrict the open Internet, access to knowledge, economic opportunity and our fundamental rights.? The TPP meetings are taking place in Lima, Peru this week until May 25th, and EFF has been on the ground working with groups to fight those provisions and demand a seat at the table at these secretive negotiations
Rivals: The long burning turf war between Google and Microsoft
Google CEO Larry Page took a public swipe at Microsoft in his speech at the end of the I/O event?s opening keynote. The remark came as part of a speech that included a call for less negativity and increased interoperability among technology firms.
EFF Will Accept Bitcoins to Support Digital Liberty
Today, we?re happy to announce that we will be accepting Bitcoin donations through our website. You can use them to make one-time donations, set up monthly donations or get an EFF membership (which includes awesome membership swag like EFF hats and digital freedom t-shirts).
Anonymous Announces #OpPetrol Attack On Local Oil And Gas Companies …
International Business Times
Members of the hacktivist collective Anonymous have announced plans to launch a cyberattack targeting the international oil and gas industry this week. The group has said that the attacks, dubbed Operation Petrol, are slated for June 20 and will
Police arrest Anonymous suspects in Italy
Italian police arrested four suspected hackers Friday, accusing them of having taken control of the Italian branch of the Anonymous network. The alleged hackers, aged between 20 and 34, were placed under house arrest near the northern cities of Bologna
OpGTMO: Anonymous launches global anti-Gitmo action
The hacktivist collective Anonymous kicked off ‘Operation Guantanamo’ to mark 100 days of the Gitmo hunger strike with a series of ?twitterstorms, email bombs and fax bombs.? Protests have been held outside the White House demanding the camp’s closure.
Anonymous hackers arrested in Italy
Gazzetta del Sud english
Anonymous came to world prominence in December 2010 when thousands of supporters downloaded its attack software to defendWikiLeaks, the whistle-blowing website founded by Julian Assange. A group claiming to be connected to Anonymous took
After Google, Amazon to be grilled on UK tax presence
Internet retailer Inc. will be called back to the British parliament to clarify how its activities
The ?death? of ?tech blogging??
Robinson Meyer is tweeting up an interesting storm about the ?death? of ?tech blogging? ? tied to Gizmodo?s announcement of some impressive new hires today. To get past the scarequotes, here?s Rob.
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