I could not follow the related news in great detail but what I understand is that:
an a-obscure Israeli director who lives in US produces a very low quality an anti-Islam movie and uploads it to Youtube. This is used as a pretext to protest US in several Muslim-majority countries and then more violence ensues and then comes very sad results….
Unfortunately, what I see, is that the reactions of these protesting Muslims proves what the notorious movie claims. Protesting itself is a democratic right and if it stays like that, that’s understandable. However, even the logical fallacies inherent in the pretext to protest demonstrates how ignorant some Muslims are and, obviously, they inflict more damage to the image of Islam. The protesters seems to have no sense of individual rights or how the system works in more civilized countries. By attributing the practice of producing a movie to the American state itself, they fell into depthless conspiratorial circle and they prove themselves a horde to be shepherded. In this case, this conspiratorial logic is more obvious and limited but unfortunately it is more widespread in other cases. But what is worse is that some Muslims demonstrate themselves to be easily offended, narrow minded people. What if there is insult to our prophet? Can you really stop all kinds of insulting etc to your holy entities. In a world of such connectedness there will be more and more media flows that will not be liked by believers. Some of the media products will really upset the believers. But to prove to be more tolerant to all these assaults will be more helpful than becoming angry mobs in lynching mood to destroy whatever disagreeable…
My condolences for the fallen in the Benghazi consulate…
P.S. There seems to be some plotting before the attack and the attackers were waiting for “the right moment”, for the “proper pretext”. I believe this level of attack is a not the work of angry mobs themselves. But the problem I focus on is the creation of this pretext, the right moment, the angry mobs…
Morning Brief: U.S. ambassador killed in Libya
from FP Passport by Uri Friedman
Mystery over filmmakers behind anti-Islam movie
from Hurriyet Daily News
Mystery remained Wednesday over exactly who was behind the anti-Islam film which sparked deadly protests in the Middle East, amid conflicting claims of Jewish or Coptic Christian involvement.
Yemeni police drive protesters out of US embassy
from Hurriyet Daily News
Yemeni protesters on Thursday stormed the American embassy complex before being driven out…
YouTube Video Sparks Violence in Libya, US Ambassador Killed
from Mashable! by Alex Fitzpatrick
Crappy YouTube trailer leads to death of US diplomat and others in Mideast
from Boing Boing by Xeni Jardin
Afghanistan bans YouTube over Prophet Mohammad video that led to the murder of a US ambassador
from The Next Web by Emil Protalinski
YouTube Hasn?t Removed Video That Sparked Middle East Protests
from Mashable! by Alex Fitzpatrick
Yemeni demonstrators storm US embassy
from Hurriyet Daily News
Yemeni demonstrators storm the U.S. embassy in Yemeni capital Sanaa.
Police, protesters clash outside US embassy in Cairo
from Hurriyet Daily News
Police used tear gas as they clashed today with a stone- and bottle-throwing crowd protesting outside the US embassy in Cairo at a film mocking Islam, witnesses and the interior ministry said.
US promises revenge after envoy?s killing
from Hurriyet Daily News
US President Obama pledges to work with Libyan government to bring the killers of its four citizens, including its ambassador, in a mob attack at US Consulate in Benghazi, fueled by anger over a film mocking Prophet Muhammad
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