This file photo shows members of Syrian opposition living in Turkey waving their national and Turkish flags as they stage a protest against the Syrian regime in Ankara. AFP photos.
Israel and Turkey showing moderate signs of renewed ties
by Acturca
Haaretz (Israel) 09.11.11 By Zvi Bar?el Revival of relationship happens as Turkey regains its place as a major asset to the West; Israel would do well to forget its pride and cozy up. Political manners and diplomatic behavior are not exactly the trademark of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Israel is already intimately acquainted […]
Turkey summons Syrian charge d’affaires, protests attacks on diplomatic mission
from Yahoo news
ANKARA, Turkey – Turkey on Sunday summoned a Syrian diplomat to protest a night of attacks on its diplomatic missions in Damascus and other cities and again called on the country’s leadership to end its crackdown of anti-regime protests
I have no doubt Ankara will take the hand offered by Brussels by Hélène Flautre
from Today’s Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news :: Interviews Selling the enlargement policy to the EU public — who fearfully watch the situation in a bankrupt Greece, a Portugal that is on the brink of a financial crisis, Spain, Italy and even France — is as attractive as selling ice cream in freezing weather. Let alone promoting the enlargement policy, EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Füle seems to have been busy with learning lessons from the past and seems determined to make this EU policy one of the most relevant and successful.
Euro team to question Turkish media, internet
from Hurriyet Dailynews by ANKARA- Hürriyet Daily News
A delegation from the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) will hold talks today and tomorrow with Turkish officials concerning the state of Internet and media freedom as well as the constitution-making process.
Erdogan?s Turkey: strategic partner or liability for regional peace? , Jaffar Al-Rikabi
from open Democracy News Analysis – by Jaffar Al-Rikabi
Turkey had been everyone?s friend as long as its foreign policy was driven by business and economic interest. Over the last couple of years, however, its ?zero problems? strategy has become more rhetoric than reality.
TURKEY: A Rising Influence Among Arab Nations – IPS ipsnews.net
from Turkish Digest
Can Turkey make it without the EU?
from Hurriyet Dailynews by HDN
As expected by many, last week?s G-20 Summit failed to produce concrete steps to prevent the European debt crisis from further spreading. Overshadowed by political and economic turmoil in Greece and Italy, the summit that brought leaders of the world?s 20 most powerful countries together in Cannes demonstrated not only the unsustainability of today?s global economic order but also reflected the bleak future of the EU.
Turkish foreign policy: Ottoman dreamer
by Acturca
The Economist (UK) no. 950 Nov 5th 2011 Recep Tayyip Erdogan?s activist foreign policy has its strengths. Cheap populism is not one of them In their awakening this year, many Arabs have looked to Turkey for inspiration. Turkey is not just a fellow Muslim country and their former imperial power. It also offers, for all
Turkish foreign policy: Dormant power revival
by Acturca
The Economist (UK) no. 950 Nov 5th 2011, Ankara and Hatay Tests mount up for Turkey?s newly assertive foreign policy On a clear day in 2006 Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey?s prime minister, took a leisurely drive along the Turkish-Syrian border with Syria?s president, Bashar Assad, at the wheel. Ahmet Davutoglu, then Mr Erdogan?s foreign-policy adviser,
The Turkish model is unlikely to work in Egypt
by Acturca
Philadelphia Inquirer (USA) Sun, Nov. 6, 2011 Trudy Rubin, Cairo In mid-September, on a high-profile visit here, Turkey Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan received a hero?s welcome at the airport from a Muslim Brotherhood delegation. No wonder. Erdogan is a pious Muslim whose AKP political party has Islamic roots; his party has scored great success
Turkey’s EU Minister Egemen Bağış sets for European tour
from Hurriyet Dailynews by ANKARA – Anatolia News Agency
Turkish EU Minister Egemen Bağış is expected to visit Brussels today to discuss Turkey-EU relations.
Turkey’s Success In Last Decade Impressed Arab World
from Yahoo news
LONDON, Nov 9 (Bernama) — Turkish President Abdullah Gul said that Turkey’s success especially during the last decade has impressed the Arab world by being a secular, democratic, and a free-market Muslim majority country.
Exporting the Turkish model: Not so fast by Aaron Stein
from Today’s Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news :: Interviews
Having been lauded by many as the region’s best established democracy, Turkey’s long and difficult march to a more inclusive and democratic system has led many to coin the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) as the political model de jour for the region’s religiously conservative movements.
The “Turkish model” : for whom?, Pinar Ilkkaracan
from open Democracy News Analysis – by Pinar Ilkkaracan
In the aftermath of the Arab spring the ?Turkish model? is being held out as an optimistic scenario for democratisation with an Islamic framework. In conversation with Deniz Kandiyoti, women?s rights and gender activist Pinar Ilkkaracan puts Turkey?s record under scrutiny – and finds it wanting
Assad to play ‘Kurdish card against Turkey, report says
from Hurriyet Dailynews by PARIS – Hürriyet
Syria is looking to destabilize Turkey by providing greater autonomy to the Arab republic?s Kurdish population in the wake of Ankara?s demands that Damascus heed the demands of the country?s opposition, French daily Le Figaro has reported.
Barzani’s visit and advices about democracy
from Hurriyet Dailynews by HDN
Increasing public pressure after the recent Kurdistan Workers? Party (PKK) attacks has prompted the government to take action.
Europe?s sick man popular again
I accompanied Egemen Bağış, the minister of European affairs and chief negotiator, during an official visit he made to Brussels and Riga. Bağış previously accompanied Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on his tour to Germany.
The effect of the Arab Spring on Turkey
from Hurriyet Dailynews by HDN
We must also dwell on the ignored effects of the Arab Spring on Turkey. Just as Turkey had a role in the transformation of the Arab world, the Arab world will also play a significant role in the formation of the new Turkey.
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