Four Turkish towns become ‘slow cities’
from Hurriyet Dailynews by ISTANBUL – Daily news with wires
Four Turkish towns have been awarded with the internationally prestigious ?Cittaslow? (Slow City) designation in recognition of their fostering of local traditions, protection of the environment and other community-focused activities.
Why Turkey Is Backsliding on Women?s Rights
from Kamil Pasha by Jenny White
Anna Louie Sussman?s article in The Atlantic looks at the disconnect and contradictions in AKP?s actions and discourse on women?s issues. Click here.
Women demand more voice in Turkish politics
by ISTANBUL- Hürriyet Daily News
Turkey?s prominent women NGO?s together published an ad in the country?s major dailies on Thursday, demanding more opportunities for women in vice-ministry positions and in bureaucry. A recent report by U.N. Women also shows how the rule of law in many countries still excludes women.
Almost 1 Million Child Workers in Turkey
from Bianet :: English
Child labour expert Assoc. Prof. Tanır calls for an extension of compulsory education to 12 years in order to decrease the number of child workers in Turkey further. Tanır drew attention to the fact that two thirds of all child workers in Turkey work under severe conditions.
Turkey?s Demographic Transformation
How Turks and Kurds see each other and Kurdish question?
I am currently reading a report by the Konda research group titled ?Kürt Meselesinde Algı ve Beklentiler? (Perceptions and Expectations on the Kurdish issue). The report was prepared based on interviews conducted with Kurds and Turks in 2010 with 10,393 subjects being interviewed in Turkey?s 29 provinces.
Male Violence in May 2011
According to data compiled by bianet, men in Turkey killed 20 women, seven men and five children in May 2011. Twelve women, one man, three transvestites and transsexuals and one child were injured. Five women and seven children were harassed, five children were raped.
Arabesk ? pour fous de musique arabesk
from YOL (routes de Turquie et d’ailleurs) by anne
Ça vaut la peine parfois d’écrire des sottises sur un blog. Il y a quelques semaines, j’avais un peu légèrement sacré Ibrahim Tatlises ” plus grande star de l’arabesk” dans un billet, ce qui avait valu ce long commentaire enflammé de Meh, un lecteur qui n’était pas du tout d’accord et en sait bien plus que moi sur le sujet. Comme quoi, c’est souvent par l’erreur qu’on apprend.
Modernité vs populisme
Courrier international (France) no 1053, 6 janvier 2011, p. 49 Türkçe
Radikal, Göksel Aymaz, Istanbul
La procédure judiciaire qui oppose [depuis septembre 2010] le pianiste classique Fazil Say au chanteur d?arabesk Müslüm Gürses témoigne d?un choc culturel appelé à connaître de nouveaux épisodes et à impliquer d?autres acteurs. Fazil Say s?en prend ainsi à la musique arabesk au nom de la lutte contre le mauvais goût. Il est mû dans ce combat par l?idée respectable qu?un art qui a atteint un certain niveau de maturité et d?évolution est une nécessité vitale pour tout être humain. Sauf que, sur ce sujet, avoir de bonnes intentions n?empêche pas d?être mal interprété. Say a ainsi réussi à donner à une partie de la population l?impression qu?il la méprisait. Comme on le sait, Fazil Say a déclaré qu??[il avait] honte du côté flagorneur de l?arabesk?, ce à quoi Müslüm Gürses a immédiatement rétorqué : ?S?il y a un flagorneur, c?est bien Môssieur Fazil.? Cette polémique a connu un rebondissement judiciaire dès lors que Fazil Say est allé jusqu?à réclamer des dommages et intérêts à Müslüm Gürses.
The outcome of the Alevi initiative is unknown
by HDN
Last Saturday was the 18th anniversary of the Madımak Massacre where 35 people were burned alive on July 2, 1993, and we came across a situation that we never saw before in the commemoration ceremonies of previous years.
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