by ISTANBUL – Daily News with wires
A demonstrator was shot and killed by security forces in the Bismil district of the southeastern Diyarbakır province, broadcaster CNNTürk reported on its website.
Kurdish protesters run away from tear gas during clashes with riot police in a street demonstration on April 19, 2011 in Istanbul after Turkey’s electoral board barred prominent Kurdish candidates from standing in upcoming elections. Turkish riot police fired teargas and water cannons during pitch battles with thousands of demonstrators infuriated by the ban. (AFP/Mustafa Ozer)
ANKARA, Turkey – Turkey’s top election body is reviewing a decision that has barred some independent Kurdish candidates from a national ballot and ignited violent protests.
The Supreme Election Board excluded twelve independent candidates from running for the general election in June. The candidates support the pro-Kurdish BDP. Political parties and NGOs criticized the decision, thousands of people protested all over the country.
Turkey?s Supreme Election Board (YSK) is still under fire over a ruling it made on Monday that barred 12 independent candidates, seven of whom are supported by the pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP), from running in the June 12 general elections due to past criminal convictions.
Turkey was shocked on Monday evening when the country?s Supreme Election Board (YSK) announced that it had annulled the applications of 12 candidates, seven of whom were backed by the pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP), due to convictions that prevent them from running.
by Cengiz Çandar Radikal
The moment the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) says ?legal ways are blocked? to the solution of the Kurdish problem, it encourages thousands of Kurdish youths to go to the mountains and arm themselves.
from Yahoo news
A peace initiative has produced little progress in the decades-long standoff between the Turkish state and the country’s Kurdish minority.
However confusing and complicated it may be, the ban imposed on the 12 ?independent? Kurdish candidates by the Supreme Election Board (YSK) is a bombshell that threatens the fairness of the national elections and endangers the process of the new constitution.
by DİYARBAKIR – Hürriyet
Hundreds of people tortured at Diyarbakır Prison in the wake of the 1980 coup have filed a series of criminal complaints to learn the identities of their abusers.
The procedures of the KCK trial heard in Diyarbakır were once more jammed upon the court board’s decision not to permit a defence in Kurdish. The microphone was switched off for two defendants. About 100 defence lawyers protested the court.
Reporters without Borders Secretary General Juillard holds a press conference in Istanbul on Monday to draw attention to the arrests of journalists in Turkey and violations of press freedom. Journalist Saymaz and TGC Secretary General Güneş will join the conference as well.
by anne

La colère des Kurdes explose à nouveau. Ca a l?air d?être violent (la réponse aussi d?ailleurs) : des centaines de blessés – un très grave hier à Hakkari et un mort aujourd?hui à Diyarbakir (Bismil), une centaine d?arrestations hier pour la seule ville de Diyarbakir et des centaines dans toute la région kurde et à Istanbul ou Mersin. Dans ce contexte, il me paraissait éclairant de reproduire l?intégralité de la réponse que donnait Recep Tayyip Erdogan, le chef du gouvernement turc, devant le Conseil de l?Europe la semaine dernière, à une question qu?un intervenant de l?APCE lui posait sur le fameux de seuil de 10 % que doit obtenir un parti politique pour pouvoir être représenté à la Grande Assemblée de Turquie.
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