SYRIA: Graphic footage surfaces after Daraa clashes
Turkey and the ambivalent, reluctant military intervention over Libya by Gülnur Aybet
Libya no-fly zone leadership squabbles continue within Nato
Turkey calls for an alliance-led campaign to limit operations while France seeks a broader ‘coalition of the willing’
A flotilla of warships has begun patrolling the Mediterranean under Nato command to block attempts by Colonel Muammar Gaddafi to replenish his combat forces with arms and mercenaries.
Why Turkey recalibrated its Libya stance
NATO’s top military commander holds talks in Turkey over Libya no-fly zone
Turkey to reluctantly join Libya military campaign
Supporting the children of Omar Mukhtar
Libyans on the move
New Qaddafi media strategy: Blame Denmark
Six Danish F-16s have joined the international effort to enforce the no-fly zone over Libya, though none have yet fired missiles. Cearly, an anti-Islamic conspiracy is at work:
The Commons debate on Libya: a milestone for British democracy?, Stuart Weir
EU Foreign Policy: Kum-bay-ah or Machiavelli?
The EU?s fledgling External Action Service has regularly been mocked for its naivety and ?Kum-bay-ah? approach; all too often it seems to base its polices on projecting a positive image of the EU, occasionally backed by some suitably bland statements, supposedly helping autocrats and dictators around the world to see the error of their ways and embrace reform.
Arab revolutions, Turkey?s dilemmas: zero chance for “zero problems”, Ivan Krastev
Libya’s war, history’s shadow , Paul Rogers
Libyan no-fly zone under fire , Josephine Whitaker
Why NATO Members Disagree on Libya
The 28 NATO members gave the Alliance a new Strategic Concept with three core tasks: collective defense, crisis management and cooperative security. Yet, just four months after the historic Lisbon summit, the members disagree considerably on NATO’s role in the crisis management concerning Libya.
MAIN FOCUS: Conflict over Libya mission | 23/03/2011
The international criticism of the military intervention in Libya continues unabated, while Nato’s members remain at odds over their goals. The intervention is just and necessary, the European press writes, but fears the repercussions could be dire.
Analyst: Libya ground intervention ‘unlikely’
A bright voice from Libya’s darkness

What does grief and courage sound like? It sounds a lot like the voice of Perditta Nabbous, the wife of Libyan citizen journalist Mohammed Nabbous, 27, who was shot and killed last Saturday by forces loyal to Muammar al-Qaddafi. Mohammed was the charismatic voice and face of Libya al-Hurra, the online TV station he set up in the early days of the uprising. Mo, as his many fans and supporters around the world called him, was attacked while trying to record footage from Benghazi.
Was right or wrong to attack Gaddafi?
from Reset Dialogues on Civilazations
Syria: Reports of Mass Killings, and a Blogger and a Journalist Disappear
Written by Anas Qtiesh
The crackdown on protesters in Daraa, Syria continues. At dawn a special army unit reportedly killed at least six people during an attack on Al Omari Mosque to disperse the protesters who have been using it as a gathering place and makeshift hospital.
Syria: Horror Mounts as 150 Protesters Reportedly Dead in Daraa
Written by Amira Al Hussaini
Alarming news from Syria has dominated my Twitter timeline, with reports of up to 150 people allegedly killed by security forces in Daraa, in southern Syria, where anti-regime protests continue.
Arab World: The Arab Tyrant Manual
Written by Amira Al Hussaini
The Arab Tyrant Manual is out, and is being tweeted as I type. On Twitter, Iyad Elbaghdadi is joined by other Twitter users to compile all the excuses we have heard from the governments of Arab countries which have had protests calling for regime change and reforms since the Tunisian uprising at the end of 2010.
Syria: Citizen Videos Show Horror in Daraa
Written by Jillian C. York
As the crackdown on protests in Daraa continues and reports pour in of more deaths, citizen reporters in the town are capturing video and uploading it to YouTube, which was only recently unblocked in Syria. The videos show the violent crackdown on Syrians in the southern city of Daraa.
Fear of the future in Yemen
Coalition offensive: Operation Odyssey Dawn
The globalisation of revolution
Syria’s coming revolution?
EU diplomats ponder if Syria next to fall
from – Headline News
Libya intervention threatens the Arab spring
The politics behind Europe?s Libya split
from Ideas on Europe by European Geostrategy
The IRGC and the ?New? Middle East, Annie Tracy Samuel
In recent weeks leaders of Iran?s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), the powerful force tasked with guarding the revolution, and their allies in the regular army have promoted their definition of the recent uprisings in the Middle East: The events signal the beginning of a new era, one that has resulted from and is characterized by the decline of U.S. power, the growth of the power of Islam, and a more expansive role for the Islamic Republic in the Middle East. In the process, IRGC officials have stated what they must do to ensure Iran a dominant position in the new environment: maintain the unity of the Iranian people under the mantle of vilayat-i faqih (guardianship of the jurist, the principle underlying the government of the Islamic Republic) while increasing Iran?s hard and soft power.
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