The Republican People?s Party (CHP), which has been going through turbulent times since the resignation of its former leader Deniz Baykal due to a video scandal, has been shaken once again with the revelations of an Odatv reporter who was recently detained as part of a probe into Ergenekon, a clandestine criminal network that has alleged links within the state and is suspected of plotting to topple the government.
If Republican People?s Party (CHP) leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu did not have political immunity, he would probably be sitting in front of prosecutor Zekeriya Öz right now. The incident we are facing is worse than the Watergate scandal.

Turkey’s main opposition Republican People’s Party MP Canan Aritman places a black wreath in the seat of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to mark the International Women’s Day during a debate at the Turkish Parliament in Ankara March 8, 2011. The wreath reads “We demand the right to live”.? Read more » REUTERS/Stringer
from Yahoo news
Turkey’s Supreme Board of Election (YSK) announced Tuesday the timetable for the general elections due on June 12, when millions of Turks will go to ballot boxes to elect 550 lawmakers.
There was a significant development that we failed to discuss at length as it was overshadowed by the incidents in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya as well as by arrests in the Ergenekon probe. The Kurdistan Workers? Party (PKK) ended its cease-fire, although it had initially said it would last until the elections. Although it resorted to contradictory wording as it did this, we now face again the essence of the matter: violence.
At a time when the outlawed Kurdistan Workers? Party (PKK) announced it would end its unilateral cease-fire and resume violence on March 21, coinciding with Nevruz celebrations, it is still unclear to what extent the government has control of military intelligence about PKK activities in the border region with northern Iraq and within the country.
from Yahoo news
Turkey has approached a very crucial turning point in its dealings with its Kurdish citizens. Kurds made gains in the 2009 local elections, but many worry that the AKP is trying to destroy them politically.
Air-conditioning, CHP and the media
Today’s Zaman
The Ergenekon case is helping Turkey become purified from tutelage and is providing a much needed circulation of fresh air. We are seeing and understanding people’s true identities. We are learning which people are journalists, which people are
Harassement allegations a conspiracy, says Turkey’s opposition
Hurriyet Daily News
Leaked phone-tap records revealed that Deniz Baykal allegedly harassed Ergenekon suspect journalist İklim Bayraktar. Baykal swiftly denied the allegations and claimed that Bayraktar came on to him despite his disinterest and refusal Ergenekon: the power of a legend
Hurriyet Daily News
Nowadays people are afraid to talk about the Ergenekon case even during a cab ride in Turkey, where everybody used to act like politicians and perhaps discuss ?why can’t Turkey move forward.? Not anymore. Seeing intellectuals, politicians
from Yahoo news
The policy of divide and rule goes back to the Roman and Persian empires and to the British and Ottoman empires. The strategy scatters the seeds of conflict by purposefully separating the territory into religious, linguistic, regional, or ethnic factions.
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