not all happy with AOL-HuffPost merger…

To the list below, you can also add Erkan’s Field Diary. Anyone to contribute? 🙂

Dear jammers, creatives, revolutionaries,

#HUFFPUFF has touched a nerve. Now, a firestorm is developing as writers, readers and publishers of indie media are rallying to huff and puff Arianna’s AOL merger into the ground.

Media activists, this is our chance to strike a blow against the corporate media and simultaneously energize the indie blogosphere ? a step towards a world where the news that animates our political and activist lives is not controlled by those who pander to advertisers and the bottom line. With continued pressure, we can topple AOL-HuffPo and fertilize a healthy media ecology.

So let’s keep blowing harder and harder!

  • If you are a writer, take your content off the Huffington Post (like Al Giordano of @Narco_News did)
  • If you are a HuffPo reader, unsubscribe/uninstall the app/delete your bookmark to the Huffington Post (like@jaberard@RavenWytch, and @drlawler)
  • Everyone, keep telling the world about your favorite alternative indie sites using the #huffpuff tag (see the list of alternatives nominated thus far below)

There is power in concerted effort, so let’s keep huff’n & puff’n and huff’n & puff’n until we’ve blown AOL/HuffPost’s house down!

Alternative Media Sources:

Here is a list of alternative media sources our readers have suggested via twitter and on our blog:


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