Cablegate roundup: WikiLeaks details US-Turkey arms negotiating………

WikiLeaks details US-Turkey arms negotiating

from Hurriyet Dailynews by ANKARA-Hürriyet Daily News
WikiLeaks has disclosed new cables on how US Secretary of State Robert Gates promoted Sikorsky helicopters and Raytheon Patriot PAC-3 systems during an Ankara visit. Cables also show how Turkey pressured the US for an urgent sale of Cobra helicopters due to a shortage in its fight against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers? Party, or PKK

A British countryside Christmas with Julian Assange

from Boing Boing by Xeni Jardin

Newsweek has published exclusive! photographs of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange enjoying Christmas in the Bail Mansion. Photos: Robert King / Polaris.

USA: Son of Couple Executed in 1953 Defends Wikileaks’ Assange

from Global Voices Online by Solana Larsen

By Solana Larsen

?We must fight to protect Assange,? writes Robert Meeropol, the son of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, executed in 1953 for ?Conspiracy to Commit Espionage? in the United States (via Democracy Now).

WikiLeaks posts document regarding Armenian-Turkish protocols | Armenia News –

Assange: I’ve got the names of Arab officials spying on their own countries for the CIA

from Wiki Leaks by Blake Hounshell

The Internets are buzzing about an interview Julian Assange gave to Al Jazeera’s Arabic channel Wednesday, in which the WikiLeaks frontman reportedly threatened to release cables showing that various Arab officials were working with the CIA.

Wikileaks: responds to questions on the Manning/Lamo chat logs

from Boing Boing by Xeni Jardin Lamo/Manning Wikileaks chat logs contain no unpublished references to Assange or private servers

from Boing Boing by Sean Bonner and Rob Beschizza

Possible effects of WikiLeaks on Middle East
So, we should read Wikileaks cables from different perspective. Maybe it can be for the Middle East policies of America and of course Turkey has an

Anti-Israel backlash from WikiLeaks release – Jewish Telegraphic Agency

2010-12-27 Wikileaks named the top newsmaker of 2010 by Al Jazeera, Postmedia and

2010-12-27 Wikileaks writers killed in Kenya March 5, 2009

from WL Central by GeorgieBC

In a recent BBC interview Julian Assange stated: “People affiliated with our organization have already been assassinated.” This was not pursued by the BBC interviewer, but apparently caused consternation among other members of the media who had not heard this story. So here it is for reference.

Wikileaks writers killed in Kenya

The NATO Weapons Repository, aka the Republic of Turkey
NATO, it seems, would rather condemn as dangerous the WikiLeaks cables confirming the presence of US nuclear bombs in Turkey, thus leaving the bombs

A WikiLeaks Christmas: Julian Assange gets festive
On Christmas Day, he sat down to turkey with all the trimmings as a special guest of the Smith family. The picture of him holding court was part of a

Cuba: Cables Reveal Government Sees Bloggers as ?Most Serious Challenge?

from Global Voices Online by Ellery Biddle

Conspiracy Theory Links Israel to WikiLeaks
PR Newswire (press release)
intelligence agencies orchestrated WikiLeaks as a public relations campaign. On December 1, Huseyin Celik, a deputy leader of AKP, Turkey’s ruling party

” CNN Fails Again on WikiLeaks Coverage “
Brad Blog (blog)
The ignorance on display in this CNN interview segment concerning Wikileaks and Julian Assange yesterday is simply astonishing. I’d expect the misinformed


from WL Central by Peter Kemp




Wikileaks: traditional liberalism with balls?

from Boing Boing by Rob Beschizza

More WikiLeaks: The 24-hour Athenian democracy | The Economist

Wikileaks, Thaileaks, Indoleaks, Pinoyleaks

from Global Voices Online by Mong Palatino

By Mong Palatino

There are Wikileaks clones in Southeast Asia: Thaileaks from Thailand, Indoleaks from Indonesia and PinoyLeaks from the Philippines. These websites were established/revived this month to support the work started by Wikileaks and to expose secret government documents in their respective countries.

Thaileaks ?resurrected? Wikileaks in Thailand after the latter was blocked by the government

What are Russian prisons like?

from Wiki Leaks by Blake Hounshell

Mikhail Khordokovsky, the ex-tycoon who was convicted in a Moscow courtroom Monday on embezzlement charges — a development that surprised approximately zero observers — faces a grim short-term future, judging from a cable released this weak that describes the Russian prison system in painful detail.

USA: Son of Couple Executed in 1953 Defends Wikileaks’ Assange

from Global Voices Online by Solana Larsen

By Solana Larsen

?We must fight to protect Assange,? writes Robert Meeropol, the son of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, executed in 1953 for ?Conspiracy to Commit Espionage? in the United States (via Democracy Now).

Algeria: Wikileaks and Israel

from Global Voices Online by Amira Al Hussaini

By Amira Al Hussaini

Khaled Mimoune, from Algeria, tweets (Ar): ?Isn’t it fishy that there are no Wikileaks documents exposing Israel’s scandals??

2011-01-01 Censorship of Tunisian Riots

from WL Central by GeorgieBC

Coverage of the Tunisian riots is being subject to censorship within the country and what some are calling a media blackout internationally. Excerpt from Global Voices coverage follows:

2011-01-01 ScienceLeaks, GlobalLeaks, Crowdleak and Wikispooks

from WL Central by GeorgieBC

2010-12-31 CBS News: How WikiLeaks enlightened us in 2010

from WL Central

CBS News has compiled a substantial list of significant revelations made by WikiLeaks during the past year. Their links lead to many other sources and constitute a valuable reference tool and archive.

2010-12-30 From Ion Cannon to BotTorrent: Potential new paradigm in hacktivism

from WL Central by knowledgeempire

The Low Orbit Ion Cannon, or LOIC, is a popular tool for taking down websites these days. It was used on Visa, Master Card, Paypal and other institutions by “Anonymous” hacktivists.

2010-12-30 Updated New Whistleblowing Sites and Games

from WL Central by GeorgieBC

Updated from the December 19th post.

BalkanLeaks “The Balkans are not keeping secrets anymore.” According to an article in Sofia Echo this site is set up by a Paris-based Bulgarian, Atanas Chobanov and seeks confidential documents related to political, criminal or financial topics.

2010-12-29 Peninsula: Many Arab officials have close CIA links: Assange

from WL Central by GeorgieBC

Peninsula has an article based on a continuation of last week’s interview with Julian Assange by Ahmed Mansour for Al Jazeera Arabic.

Germany planning secret satellite recon?

from Wiki Leaks by Joshua Keating

The Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten, which announced late last month that it had obtained full access to the WikiLeaks CableGate archive, has already caused a stir with this cable from Feb. 15, 2009, which discusses a planned German satellite reconnaissance system (my emphasis):

More on Julian Assange and Inciting the Whackers

Further to my open letter on those inciting murder upon Julian Assange, this op ed style post again responds to those who say that Julian Assange should be kidnapped, executed, murdered or otherwise be “whacked”, to use a favourite Hollywood gangster expression. It is a much expanded variant of the open letter to the inciters at Wikileaks Central.

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