Well-known Turkish columnist Fehmi Koru allegedly got in touch with the American diplomat Mr. Edelman to help firing İbrahim Karagülle, Yeni Şafak’s world news columnist. Mr. Koru today refuses the allegations and claims that Edelman’s man swore at him instead. However, Mr. Koru lost his position at Yeni Şafak after the emergence of allegations. Mr. Karagülle is known to write anti-American columns, that sometimes get close to conspiracy theories…

Defend WikiLeaks or lose free speech – Dan Gillmor – Salon.com
2010-12-25 Le Monde names WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Man of the Year
Le Monde Magazine: WikiLeaks: défis et limites de la transparence (WikiLeaks: challenges and limits of transparency)
Assange says signed 1.1 million pounds in book deals
WSJ obtains Wikileaks financial data: spending up, donations down
[photograph: Ukrainian activists hold a rally in support of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in front of the Swedish embassy to Ukraine in Kiev. REUTERS]
Anthropology, Secrecy, and Wikileaks
NYT on Banks and Wikileaks: “a troubling prospect”
A New York Times editorial today on the recent actions of Bank America, Visa, PayPal, and Mastercard to block payments to Wikileaks says the moves raise “troubling questions,” given the fact that Wikileaks has not been charged or convicted of any crime:
Foreign minister: WikiLeaks proves classic diplomacy not helpful
I want to remind him that we flew aid delegations to Turkey during the earthquake, and if God forbid a national disaster was to occur in the county ? we
UK overruled on Lebanon spy flights from Cyprus, WikiLeaks cables reveal
The Guardian
The cables disclose that as well as the Lebanon missions, U2s from Akrotiri were gathering intelligence over Turkey and northern Iraq
What can the US learn from Turkey in the Middle East?
Today’s Zaman
WikiLeaks‘ release of US diplomatic cables, needless to say, will have an enormous impact on relations between the United States and the rest of the world
Muslims and Wikileaks: A Guide for the Perplexed
Its clear any sign of backbone is seen as a threat and reason for further investigation and intelligence gathering- this is why Turkey’s Erdrogan is
Turkey: Israel would take days to send planes
US cables recently revealed by WikiLeaks call Davutoglu an extremist, but on Saturday he said he would not be present at an IHH event welcoming the Marmara
Veterans Today Network
These attacks on Assange, citing his seeming pro-Israel bias, one he now openly admits also, soon began coming in from governments, Pakistan and Turkey,
Turkey meddles in Mosul province
Kurdish Globe
Turkey’s support for al Hadba was also mentioned in the WikiLeaks cables. The cable, which quoted US Ambassador Christopher R. Hill, said, “Turkey has
Following WikiLeaks: Turkey has 90 nuclear bombs?
Information-Analytic Agency NEWS.am
There are 90 nuclear bombs in Turkey, Republican People’s Party MP, Shokri Elekdag stated in the Turkish Parlament. According to him, United States deployed
New Israel cables released by WikiLeaks
TopNews Arab Emirates
Turkey, neighbor of Israel had expressed anger at the lack of leaks the whistleblowing website which has been released on the Jewish state
WikiLeaks undermines diplomacy Houston Chronicle The WikiLeaks release of some 250000 diplomatic cables has fractured the most critical component of US diplomacy: informal relationships. |
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