Plus a social fabric roundup….
There is a a blog that supports personal armament in Turkey. It provided a list of personal armament rates in the world:
World ranking | Country | Population | Armament per 100 persons. (%) |
1 | USA | 304.201.200 | 88,8 |
3 | Switzerland | 7.437.100 | 45,7 |
4 | Finland | 5.246.100 | 45,3 |
6 | Cyprus | 757.800 | 36,4 |
10 | Sweden | 9.024.100 | 31,6 |
11 | Norway | 4.623.300 | 31,3 |
12 | France | 60.873.000 | 31,2 |
13 | Canada | 32.299.000 | 30,8 |
15 | Germany | 82.469.400 | 30,3 |
23 | Greece | 11.104.000 | 22,5 |
52 | Armenia | 3.016.400 | 12,5 |
53 | Turkey | 72.065.000 | 12,5 |
79 | İran | 68.251.100 | 7,3 |
102 | China | 1.304.500.000 | 4,9 |
112 | Syria | 4.833.300 | 3,9 |
Turkey is the bravest heart in Europe, poll says
Gays in the Turkish Military
Turkey has no possibility of conscientious exemption from its required military service, but if you can prove you are a homosexual, that might keep you out of the army. To read about the humiliating and frustrating process this involves, read ?Do Ask, Must Tell? by Piotr Zalewski in Foreign Policy here. (Excerpt below.) The extremely negative attitudes toward homosexuality in Turkey are shared by the military, the government and much of the population. There is no prospect in the near future of this changing. Indeed under the AKP regime, treatment of gays and lesbians and their organizations have gotten worse (something I?ve documented on this blog). And with regard to the military, it is one area where Turkey is vastly out of step with the EU and NATO.
Kurdish women in Southeast Turkey grow strong support networks
Christian Brother Killed Inter-Religious Couple
A few notes on Turkish collective labor law
Balade à Yuksekova par jour d?émeutes kurdes : partie 1 – hautes températures.
Depuis les journées noires des fêtes de fin de ramadan et la colère qui avait explosé après l?attentat de Geçitli, en septembre les émeutes avaient cessé dans la province d?Hakkari sur la frontière entre la Turquie, l?Iran et l?Irak. Le cessez le feu décrété par le PKK jusqu?aux prochaines élections semblait avoir aussi annoncé une trêve de ce côté là.
From cradle to grave no more: Youth protests in Turkey and elsewhere
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