WikiLeaks cables: Pope wanted Muslim Turkey kept out of EU
Vatican diplomats also lobbied against Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez and wanted ‘Christian roots’ enshrined in EU constitution
The pope is responsible for the Vatican’s growing hostility towards Turkey joining the EU, previously secret cables sent from the US embassy to the Holy See in Rome claim.
US embassy cables: Vatican softens towards Turkish EU bid
Thursday, 07 December 2006, 17:58
US embassy cables: Future pope objects to EU membership for Muslim Turkey
from World news: Turkey |
Turkey and Israel Seek to Repair Ties
Normal ties with Israel will open Turkey’s path
Turkey and Israel continuing talks on Gaza boat deal
‘Apology’ bars Turkey-Israel fence-mending: Turkish official
At the core of the Turkish-Israeli rift is Iran
Jerusalem Post
As the concerns illuminated by WikiLeaks demonstrate, it is Iran that poses a threat to global and regional peace and stability. Turkey’s championing the
Erdogan: Israel must still apologize for ‘Mavi Marmara’
12/05/2010 20:19
Turkish PM says Ankara will respond to attempts to improve relations with J’lem but wants proof of Israel’s ‘sincerity.'”
WikiLeaks: German foreign minister against Turkey joining EU
Racial Harassment in a German High School: You?re Turk, You Have No Right Here
By Nilgun GULCAN (JTW)
A German teacher in a Lower Saxony state insulted his Turkish student. The high school teacher told the 16 year-old student ?you are Turk and you have no right here? when the student asked permission for toilet. According to the Bild daily, the class was Human Rights.
17 December 2010: Seminar in Istanbul: The State of European Integration and EU-Turkey Relations: Where Do We Go From Here?
Talks called off as Turkey?s EU bid loses momentum
Will Turkey’s aid to Israel in Carmel fire revive foundering ties? – Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
Turkish Opportunities
By William deB. Mills
Turkey is emerging onto the regional stage as an independent actor as it simultaneously begins to face up to its Muslim roots and attempts to strengthen democracy at home — a tall but commendable order and perhaps a set of goals that can only be achieved in unison.”
Merkel is right (on the EURO)
Davutoğlu and shift of axis
What will Erdoğan?s football diplomacy bring?
Careless talk and the Turkey-Israel rapprochement
Turkish foreign policy: values and mechanisms
The Copenhagen Syndrome in Turkish foreign policy by EYÜP ERSOY
La Turquie, un espoir pour l?Europe
La Tribune (France), 9 décembre 2010, p. 35
Par Guillaume Klossa et Can Buharali *
La période actuelle nuit au renforcement des relations entre l?Union européenne et la Turquie. Il est pourtant dans l?intérêt des deux parties de relancer une dynamique commune.
L?Union européenne traverse une période difficile. Elle doit gérer de multiples crises économiques, financières et sociales. Les institutions du traité de Lisbonne n?ont pas encore prouvé leur efficacité. L?essentiel des innovations démocratiques du traité ne seront en place qu?avec l?élection du prochain Parlement européen en 2014 qui, pour la première fois, aura le rôle pilote dans le choix du président de la Commission européenne. Surtout, l?époque favorise le populisme et le retour d?identités « nationalistes » puissantes.
Les Turcs et la France : le regard de deux communautés
Note franco-turque (IFRI-France) n° 1, 3 décembre 2009, 18 p.
Gaye Petek et Nicole Pope
Le texte suivant rassemble deux contributions destinées à éclairer les regards croisés de deux communautés particulièrement concernées par les développement de la relation bilatérale franco-turque. Le premier texte porte sur la présence et l?activité des migrants d?origine turque en France. Le second analyse, sans que l?on puisse parler d?une réelle symétrie, les sentiments qu?entretiennent aujourd?hui les francophones de Turquie à l?égard de la France. Entre décalage et ressentiment, le positionnement de ces deux communautés se joue autour d?enjeux politiques et sociétaux différents ; il fournit cependant de précieuses indications sur l?évolution du sentiment identitaire national des Turcs, en Turquie même et dans leur propre pays.
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