Georgieva named European of the Year
Weapons makers, multinationals among top beneficiaries of EU regional funds
from – Headline News
EU citizenship: What is progress?
Yesterday I thought about the meaning of progress, when I read the progress report from the Commission:
On progress towards effective EU Citizenship 2007-2010; Brussels 27.10.2010, COM(2010) 602 final
The Irish bailout will not end the eurozone crisis (2)
Ireland crisis loan conditions become clearer
Ireland?s department of finance has released the draft loan program agreement with the European Union and IMF. It is still preliminary and subject to various approvals, but the government was under pressure to show the basics of what had been agreed prior to the budget vote on 7 December. A quick perusal of the document reveals the following:
Two Lectures on Legal Remedies ? on Concept of Legal Remedies and Their Place in the Framework of Private Actions at the CJEU
This Friday (3 December 2010 at 10-13) I am reading two lectures on legal remedies in EU law to the Estonian lawyers at the National Library of Estonia (Main Conference Hall has been booked, although the topic is not that novel). As it could be useful to introduce the scientific concept of remedies because the term has been and is used unsystematically, and as changes have been made to the CJEU?s actions system, it could be wise to fill the lectures in the following way:
Leading rabbi says Europe risks being ‘overrun’ by Islam
from – Headline News
FT?s report on EU structural funds: some thoughts on vocabulary, openness and administrative structures
from Jon Worth by Jon
The FT ? the pin that can pop the Brussels bubble
The FT series this week looking at the EU?s structural funds is ? with some caveats due to choice of words ? decent investigative journalism. It takes a systematic approach to looking at where the EU?s structural funds go, and where the problems lie. For someone coming to this matter afresh it?s a decent account of the problems.
MAIN FOCUS: Markets jittery despite aid for Ireland | 30/11/2010
The value of the euro has dropped once again despite EU finance ministers having approved an aid package running into the billions for Ireland. Commentators write that Brussels has failed to achieve its goal of reassuring the financial markets and point to the shortcomings of the bailout package.
Commission defends slow pace of EU fund payments
Croatia to be the 28th EU Member State?
from Stephen Spillane by Stephen
EU Border Guards?

Here is an interesting Press Release I got today from Maltese MEP Simon Busuttil of the European People?s Party.
Social Values In The European Union: Are They Becoming More Important After The Lisbon Treaty?
By Egle Dagilyte
Some Comments on C-515/08 Santos Palhota and Others
On 7 October 2010 the ECJ delivered a judgment that was built around the issues discussed in the very well-known posting of workers cases of Laval and Rüffert and Commission v Luxembourg.
The facts of the case tell the story of a Portuguese company Termiso Limitada that posted workers from Portugal to Belgium for work at the shipyard in Antwerp. According to Belgian law, Termiso Limitada failed to produce certain social documents aimed at protection of workers? rights: to draw up individual account in respect of the posted employees, to pay the statutory minimum wage and additional overtime work payments. The Portuguese company challenged the validity of this national law on the basis of Articles 56 and 57 TFEU on free movement of services.
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