“Wikipedia Founder: Apps, Not Paywalls, Could Save the News…

Wikipedia Founder Says Apps, Not Paywalls, Could Save the News

from Mashable! by Samuel Axon

Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales said in an interview with the Associated Press yesterday that paid apps like those found on the iPhone, Android and iPad could help financially troubled news organizations, but he didn?t have anything positive to say about charging for content on the web.

Digital selection: a threat or an attribute to journalism?

from Editors Weblog – all postings by Stefanie Chernow
Before the Internet, if newspapers wanted to know who was reading what, they had to rely on intuition and unreliable reader surveys, reports the New York Times. This ignorance of consumers’ taste allowed newspapers to blissfully cover the stories that were important without an afterthought of who would be actually reading the content: once a reader had bought the paper, who knows what they actually read. Now, with technologies that track what people actually consume, editors are more aware of which articles get the most hits and what content sparks the interest of readers. These new methods of surveying readers befits the economics of the newspaper industry, but will papers become too self conscious of their readers’ judgements and stop covering important stories?

Wikipedia for Credit

While many professors still distrust the popular encyclopedia, some have joined a new effort in which they will work with students to improve entries. more

Good or bad, the paywall is here to stay

from Editors Weblog – all postings by Dawn Osakue


An article written by Ian Burrell in The Independent explains why the paywall concept should be accepted as a permanent fixture, whether it seems to be working or not. Trying to answer the question, “Has Rupert Murdoch‘s paywall gamble paid off,” Burrell remarks that many wish the project well and hope it would be the “vanguard of a cultural shift that will save newspapers.”

The Internet blurs the line between TV and newspapers

from Editors Weblog – all postings by Stefanie Chernow


The defined line between newspapers, radio, and TV shows has become blurred in the online sphere, as all types of news sources have their respective websites, putting all media domains in direct competition. Glenn Beck, for example, a conservative media icon for Fox News, just launched his “News and Opinion” website The Blaze. As more people get their news from television than newspapers, it will be interesting to follow how TV icons fair in competition with newspapers’ websites.

Beyond the basics: Training future journalists in social media

from Editors Weblog – all postings by Stefanie Chernow

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Multimedia trends in journalism are changing the foundation of how reporting is conducted, and consequently journalism schools across the globe have seen a shift in their curriculum. In April, UK’s National Council for Training Journalist launched a new journalism diploma with an emphasis on multimedia training. The University of Colorado also announced last week the possibility of restructuring its journalism department to include computer science courses. The changes in journalism education are underway, but what is happening with regards to training in social media? Professionals are still trying to adjust to the technology in the industry, thus those in academia must teach multimedia while they are in the process of learning how to master the new technologies.

Has the definition of journalism changed? Gillmor wonders

from Editors Weblog – all postings by Dawn Osakue


“As digital media become ubiquitous and more and more of us communicate and collaborate online, every person is capable of doing something that has journalistic value,” Dan Gillmor has pointed out on Salon.com. “In the anyone-can-publish world,” he writes, “who is a journalist?” Rather than answer, he believes the question is not about journalists and should be “what is journalism?”

Google and AP: How to make friends and licensing deals

from Editors Weblog – all postings by Stefanie Chernow

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Yesterday the Associated Press reported that Google and the AP had announced that the two companies had updated their licensing deal for online content. Specifics of the arrangement were not released to the public, although there are two main factors in the deal: Google will purchase AP’s content for an undisclosed amount, and the two companies will also  collaborate to increase AP’s revenue over the internet. The terms of the contact may not be dramatically different from previous licensing contracts, yet the recent announcement marks a shift in more diplomatic relations between AP and Google.

Mainstream press throws Wikileaks under a bus in journalist shield debate

from Boing Boing by Cory Doctorow

A new proposed federal journalist shield law is under debate in the USA, which sounds like a great idea, except that the traditional press have agreed to amendments that would exempt Wikileaks from any protection for its confidential sources, on the grounds that Wikileaks isn’t journalism (ORLY?).

In the Conflicts Around Wikileaks, Is Julian Assange Really the Problem?

from OPEN ANTHROPOLOGY by Maximilian Forte

With some of the infighting among the ranks of Wikileaks supporters?and I am a supporter?I need to allay some fears and put certain apprehensions to rest right away: my answer to the question above is ?no,? and my secondary answer is that we should learn from mistakes. So, for now, hold your fire.

Latest leaked draft of secret copyright treaty: US trying to cram DRM rules down the world’s throats

from Boing Boing by Cory Doctorow

Michael Geist writes in with the latest news on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), the secret, closed-door copyright treaty that will bring US-style copyright rules (and worse) to the whole world. Particularly disturbing is the growing support for “three-strikes” copyright rules that would disconnect whole families from the Internet if one member of the household was accused (without proof) of copyright infringement. The other big US agenda item is cramming pro-Digital Rights Management (DRM) rules down the world’s throats that go way beyond the current obligations under the UN’s WIPO Copyright Treaty. In the US version, breaking DRM is always illegal, even if you’re not committing any copyright violation — so breaking the DRM on your iPad to install software you bought from someone who hasn’t gone through the Apple approval process is illegal, even though the transaction involves no illicit copying.

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